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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Bush says he has no doubts about war in Iraq despite ‘high cost in lives and treasure’

President Bush arrives aboard Air Force One at the Jacksonville International airport in Jacksonville, Fla., Tuesday, March 18, 2008. The president will speak to guests at the Jacksonville Port Authority.
March 18, 2008

WASHINGTON-- President Bush says he has no doubts about launching the unpopular war in Iraq despite the ''high cost in lives and treasure,'' arguing that retreat now would embolden Iran and provide al-Qaida with money for weapons of mass destruction to attack the United States. Bush is to mark the...

AS Senate: A Rentable Vacuum, MacBooks, Hula Dancing and Orange is for AIDS

The A.S. Senate held its weekly meeting this Tuesday.
March 18, 2008

AS Senators meet weekly on Tuesday to vote, discuss on pending proposals and its issues with finances. Here is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held March 18. NEW PROPOSALS: 1. MacBook Contest giveaway- $2,200 i. Two Mac Books to Biola community from Biola Radio 2....

Florida Democrats abandon plan for mail-in primary

Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., looks on as he goes to vote at Beulah Shoesmith Elementary School Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2008, in Chicago.
March 18, 2008

TALLAHASSEE, Florida -- Facing strong opposition, Florida Democrats abandoned plans to hold a do-over presidential primary with a mail-in vote and threw the delegate dispute into the lap of the national party. While Monday's decision by Florida Democrats left the state's 210 delegates in limbo, Democrats...

Biola Water Contamination Poses Low Risk

Duane Moser, an assistant research professor with Desert Research Institute, collects water samples from the Las Vegas Wash in Henderson, Nev., Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007.
March 18, 2008

Despite the fears of long-term health problems caused by reports of drug contaminated water, it is too early to be concerned about the health of Biolans. The research conducted by the Associated Press (AP) only discovered traces of drugs—“the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured...

More Testing Needed on Drugs in Drinking Water

Duane Moser, an assistant research professor with Desert Research Institute, collects water samples from the Las Vegas Wash in Henderson, Nev., Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007.
March 16, 2008

SANTA CRUZ, CA-- Test it, study it, figure out how to clean it-- but still drink it. That is the range of reactions raining down from community leaders, utilities, environmental groups and policy makers in reaction to an Associated Press investigation that documented the presence of pharmaceuticals in...

La Mirada Rent Costs Rise with Falling Market

Median home prices across many of California's most populous counties plunged again in February 2008, causing a more competitive rent market.
March 14, 2008

There is only one listing currently available for rent in La Mirada, according to the Multiple Listings Service (MLS), the online database holding all listings up for lease by real estate agents. Due to the falling real estate market, house foreclosures are becoming more common, causing more people...

Poetry Lounge Fosters Creative Enviroment

During the Poetry Lounge, audiences were captivated by the performance of guest poet Judah 1
March 14, 2008

Students and guests filled the Cafe Banquet Room Thursday night in anticipation of a presentation of student inspired work. With no seat left empty, students took to the microphone and shared their poetry, passions, and opinions. This event gave students and guests an opportunity to speak their minds...

This Week in Photos

Rev. Alistair Begg spoke at the Centennial Chapel on Wednesday and focused on the topic of temptation.
March 14, 2008

We all know the feeling of a moment passed too quickly, a day gone too fast, and a week that has disappeared before one’s own eyes. This Week in Photos is an effort to slow down the passing days and recognize what is happening all around us. In the words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty...

AS Senate: Newspaper en español and a $5,000 Film Festival

The A.S. Senate held its weekly meeting this Tuesday.
March 14, 2008

At the AS Senate’s weekly Tuesday meetings senators give audience to parties requesting money, vote on pending proposals and discuss finances. Here is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held March 10 - NEW PROPOSALS English Guild Society(They voted to vote on and...

Home Prices Plunge Across California

Median home prices across many of California's most populous counties plunged again in February 2008, causing a more competitive rent market.
March 13, 2008

LOS ANGELES -- Median home prices plunged in many of California's most populous counties in February, with Southern California leading the slide with an overall drop of 17.9 percent compared to a year earlier, according to new housing data released Thursday. The drops reflect a deepening housing...

Obama Beats Clinton In Racially Polarized Mississippi Democratic Primary

Democratic presidential hopeful, Sen. Barack Obama D-Ill., shakes hands after stopping at Buck's Restaurant for breakfast, Tuesday, March 11, 2008, in Greenville, Miss.
Pennsylvania Is Next
March 12, 2008

WASHINGTON-- With a six-week breather before the next primary, Hillary Rodham Clinton turned her attention to Pennsylvania and beyond to counter the latest in a string of victories by Barack Obama in Southern states with large black voting blocs. Obama won roughly 90 percent of the black vote in Mississippi...

Scandal Puts Spitzer’s Career in Danger

New York State Gov. Eliot Spitzer is joined by his wife Silda as he makes a statement to reporters during a news conference following a report that he was involved in a prostitution ring Monday, March 10, 2008 in New York.
March 10, 2008

NEW YORK -- Gov. Eliot Spitzer's political career teetered on the brink of collapse after the corruption-fighting politician once known as ''Mr. Clean'' was accused of paying for a romp with a high-priced call girl. The Democrat faced immediate calls to step down after a news conference Monday in...