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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Torrey Conference kicks off next week

Courtesy | Jeremy Pedron
Looking ahead to Torrey Conference: speakers, workshops, and AS Serve Day.
Katie Nelson and Julia Henning October 11, 2012
Looking ahead to Torrey Conference: speakers, workshops, and AS Serve Day.

Students react as gas prices jump dramatically

On Tuesday, October 9, the 76 on Imperial and La Mirada displays the currently high gas prices. | Emily Arnold/THE CHIMES
Biola students feel the effects of gas prices fluctuating in California.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer October 11, 2012
Biola students feel the effects of gas prices fluctuating in California.

Fire alarms persist due to faulty system

Multiple fire alarms have taken place due to a glitch in the wiring system.
Katie Nelson, Writer October 11, 2012
Multiple fire alarms have taken place due to a glitch in the wiring system.

Early exploration of Myspace is invitation-only
Biola students and staff respond to the new Myspace.
Katie Nelson, Writer October 10, 2012
Biola students and staff respond to the new Myspace.

Crime Log: Oct. 11, 2012

Crime Log for the week of October 11, 2012 including multiple fire alarms in the library.
Katie Nelson, Writer October 10, 2012
Crime Log for the week of October 11, 2012 including multiple fire alarms in the library.

AS Senate Rundown: Oct. 9, 2012

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Senators passed two proposals, including one amendment to the AS constitution.
Christine Chan, Writer October 10, 2012
Senators passed two proposals, including one amendment to the AS constitution.

Audience votes V3 Dance winners for Punk ‘n’ Pie 2012

Emily Arnold/THE CHIMES
Parents, students and alumni vote for favorite in annual talent show.
Elizabeth Sallie and Julia Henning October 6, 2012
Parents, students and alumni vote for favorite in annual talent show.

PAC discusses finances, ongoing discussions in annual press conference

Biola student media outlets attended a press conference on Thursday afternoon to hear the latest information from the Presidential Administrative Council.
Elizabeth Sallie and Julia Henning October 5, 2012
Biola student media outlets attended a press conference on Thursday afternoon to hear the latest information from the Presidential Administrative Council.

Community colleges in crisis

Community colleges face uncertain future with regards to funding.
Krysta Fauria, Writer October 4, 2012
Community colleges face uncertain future with regards to funding.

Preparation underway for the Run for Micah 6:8

President Corey just before the 5K Run for Hope in Biola Weekend last fall. This year, he will be lacing up again to run for Micah 6:8. | Jessica Lindner/THE CHIMES [file photo]
President Corey and Olympian Amy Atkinson to join the 300 participants in the Run for Micah 6:8
Megan Cushman, Writer October 4, 2012
President Corey and Olympian Amy Atkinson to join the 300 participants in the Run for Micah 6:8

Former Biola provost takes presidency at Fresno Pacific University

Job Ang/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Biola’s previous vice provost of faculty development Pete Menjares was officially inaugurated as the 11th president of Fresno Pacific University on Sept. 28.
Katie Nelson and Katie Nelson October 4, 2012
Biola’s previous vice provost of faculty development Pete Menjares was officially inaugurated as the 11th president of Fresno Pacific University on Sept. 28.

Crime Log: Oct. 4, 2012

Crime log for the week of October 4, 2012 includes an on-going investigation of a petty theft.
Katie Nelson and Katie Nelson October 3, 2012
Crime log for the week of October 4, 2012 includes an on-going investigation of a petty theft.