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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Event proposals pass

SGA Logo
Senators pass three proposals and gain more information about the Enterprise CarShare program and changes in enrollment.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 11, 2015
Senators pass three proposals and gain more information about the Enterprise CarShare program and changes in enrollment.

Global internet access a goal for 2020

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, plans to make Wi-Fi available to the entire world by 2020 to eliminate poverty.
Anna Warner, Writer October 7, 2015
Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, plans to make Wi-Fi available to the entire world by 2020 to eliminate poverty.

Campus renovations contribute to state success

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
University water stewardship parallels California in improved efficiency.
Hannah Wagner, Writer October 7, 2015
University water stewardship parallels California in improved efficiency.

Blackstone Hall dedicated to founder

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Relatives get together to celebrate William E. Blackstone’s legacy in a dedication ceremony.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 7, 2015
Relatives get together to celebrate William E. Blackstone’s legacy in a dedication ceremony.

Biola connects with security officials

Alondra Urizar/THE CHIMES
Participants from universities and law enforcement gathered together to discuss safety procedures and share ideas.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 6, 2015
Participants from universities and law enforcement gathered together to discuss safety procedures and share ideas.

Changes planned for financial aid

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
Scholarships and FAFSA undergo restructuring for the next two years in an attempt to benefit students.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 6, 2015
Scholarships and FAFSA undergo restructuring for the next two years in an attempt to benefit students.

Crime Log: 9/29 ― 10/6

Crime Log: 9/29 ― 10/6
A hit and run, trespassing and disturbing the peace make up this week's crime log.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 6, 2015
A hit and run, trespassing and disturbing the peace make up this week's crime log.

Torrey takes the lawn

Gary Friesen during his session in Chase Gym last Torrey Conference (2014). | Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Student directors prepare for a new location for Torrey Bible Conference.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 6, 2015
Student directors prepare for a new location for Torrey Bible Conference.

Campus Safety executes active shooter drill

Alondra Urizar/THE CHIMES
Biola is the first to conduct the exercise with neighboring universities involved.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer September 30, 2015
Biola is the first to conduct the exercise with neighboring universities involved.

Leadership society begins Biola chapter

Alondra Urizar/THE CHIMES
The National Society of Leadership and Success kickstarts campus chapter to offer leadership and career opportunities.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer September 30, 2015
The National Society of Leadership and Success kickstarts campus chapter to offer leadership and career opportunities.

Students seek independence post graduation

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
A survey of Biola students reveals that the majority do not plan on living at home after college.
Kara Ramey, Writer September 30, 2015
A survey of Biola students reveals that the majority do not plan on living at home after college.

Syrian refugees coming to Orange County

The US is accepting 15,000 Syrian refugees in 2016 – many are coming to Los Angeles, Riverside and Anaheim.
Nicole Foy, Writer September 29, 2015
The US is accepting 15,000 Syrian refugees in 2016 – many are coming to Los Angeles, Riverside and Anaheim.