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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Punk ‘N’ Pie 2015 Recap

Punk 'N' Pie 2015 Recap
A change of location for Punk 'N' Pie did not stop students from having a good time on McNally field.
Amanda Sakowski and Anna Warner October 23, 2015
A change of location for Punk 'N' Pie did not stop students from having a good time on McNally field.

CarShare reduces rates for fall semesters

Johnathan Burkhardt/THECHIMES
The current fees reduced by a Nissan promotion will not be in effect during the spring 2016 semester.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 21, 2015
The current fees reduced by a Nissan promotion will not be in effect during the spring 2016 semester.

Disneyland raises rates

Amanda Sakowski/THE CHIMES
In an attempt to limit crowds, Disney increases costs for year long passes.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 20, 2015
In an attempt to limit crowds, Disney increases costs for year long passes.

CFM returns to Spiritual Development

Chad Miller, director of Spiritual Formation, discusses the merger of Christian Formation and Ministry and Spiritual Development. | Matthew Maitz/THE CHIMES
In spring 2016, Christian Formation and Ministry and Spiritual Development will merge.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 20, 2015
In spring 2016, Christian Formation and Ministry and Spiritual Development will merge.

Asians to surpass Latinos

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
A Pew Research study predicts Asian immigrant population to exceed that of Latinos.
Jocelyn Meza, Writer October 20, 2015
A Pew Research study predicts Asian immigrant population to exceed that of Latinos.

Punk ‘n’ Pie preparations prove fruitful

Elianna Park/THE CHIMES
Performers for Punk ‘n’ Pie are excited to have made it past challenging cuts.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer October 20, 2015
Performers for Punk ‘n’ Pie are excited to have made it past challenging cuts.

Crime Log Oct. 13 ― Oct. 20

Crime Log Oct. 13 ― Oct. 20
A hit and run, disturbing the peace and trespassing make up this week's crime log.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 20, 2015
A hit and run, disturbing the peace and trespassing make up this week's crime log.

Torrey Conference jumps back to gym

Torrey Conference jumps back to gym
Though day one took place on Metzger Lawn, conference attendees will now convene in Chase Gymnasium.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 14, 2015
Though day one took place on Metzger Lawn, conference attendees will now convene in Chase Gymnasium.

Hoverboard decision hangs in limbo

Jovita Wattimena/THE CHIMES
Hoverboard devices on campus have caused risk management to advise banning them due to their speed capabilities.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 13, 2015
Hoverboard devices on campus have caused risk management to advise banning them due to their speed capabilities.

Secular music cut from coffee shops

Junior communication sciences and disorders major Michalyn Slagle listens to her own music in Commons. | Johnathan Burkhardt/THE CHIMES
Biola reinforces Christian music policy at cafés with a subscription to Pandora.
Amanda Sakowski, Writer October 13, 2015
Biola reinforces Christian music policy at cafés with a subscription to Pandora.

Punk ‘n’ pie performs in the park

Melanie Kim/THE CHIMES
Main changes to the show include location, judges and promotional videos before each performance.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer October 13, 2015
Main changes to the show include location, judges and promotional videos before each performance.

Crime Log 10/7 ― 10/13

Crime Log 10/7 ― 10/13
Multiple instances of petty theft and disturbing the peace comprise this week's crime log.
Alondra Urizar, Writer October 13, 2015
Multiple instances of petty theft and disturbing the peace comprise this week's crime log.