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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Core Task Force seeks feedback

SGA Logo
A survey will be distributed through rounds to students regarding their experiences with core curriculum courses.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer November 16, 2015
A survey will be distributed through rounds to students regarding their experiences with core curriculum courses.

Birth control case taken on by SCOTUS

Alondra Urizar/THE CHIMES
On Nov. 6, the Supreme Court combined seven separate birth control lawsuits filed against the Department of Health and Human Services.
Alondra Urizar, Writer November 12, 2015
On Nov. 6, the Supreme Court combined seven separate birth control lawsuits filed against the Department of Health and Human Services.

Indoor humidity plagues Blackstone residents

Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Defective air conditioning units cause discomfort, damage and minor flooding within some of the new dorm rooms.
Hannah Wagner, Writer November 11, 2015
Defective air conditioning units cause discomfort, damage and minor flooding within some of the new dorm rooms.

Administration adopts new calendar system

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
A shorter winter break and a complete summer session are in store for the 2017-2018 academic year.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer November 11, 2015
A shorter winter break and a complete summer session are in store for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Students healthy, despite rising obesity rates

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Bon Appetit encourages students to drink water and watch portion sizes.
Jana Eller, Office Manager November 11, 2015
Bon Appetit encourages students to drink water and watch portion sizes.

Crime Log: Nov. 3 ― Nov. 10

Crime Log: Nov. 3 ― Nov. 10
Vandalism, petty theft and trespassing make up this week's crime log.
Alondra Urizar, Writer November 10, 2015
Vandalism, petty theft and trespassing make up this week's crime log.

Previous proposals passed

SGA Logo
The eight proposals from last week were all passed, though some in a partial amount, for a total of $12,829.50.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer November 10, 2015
The eight proposals from last week were all passed, though some in a partial amount, for a total of $12,829.50.

Cheer team debut peps Midnight Madness

Matthew Maitz/THE CHIMES
Biola cheerleaders flaunt first performance after a two year hiatus.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer November 9, 2015
Biola cheerleaders flaunt first performance after a two year hiatus.

Possible flooding prompts preparation

The graphic above illustrates what areas of the east side of campus would incur flooding in the case of a severe rainstorm. | Photo courtesy of Biola University Department of Campus Safety
Led by campus safety, departments on campus create plan of action in case of severe El Niño rainstorms.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer November 9, 2015
Led by campus safety, departments on campus create plan of action in case of severe El Niño rainstorms.

Midnight Madness 2015

Midnight Madness 2015
The evening consisted of an energetic welcome for the basketball teams, the first performance by Biola Dance Crew and a surprise ending.
Amanda Sakowski and Anna Warner November 9, 2015
The evening consisted of an energetic welcome for the basketball teams, the first performance by Biola Dance Crew and a surprise ending.

Docuseries airing shifted to spring 2016

Canadian company Yes TV will broadcast the Biola docuseries early next year.  | Aaron Fooks/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Canadian company Yes TV will broadcast the Biola docuseries early next year.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer November 4, 2015
Canadian company Yes TV will broadcast the Biola docuseries early next year.

Mugs missing from Caf

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Tableware thefts by students pose problems for Bon Appetit.
Alondra Urizar, Writer November 4, 2015
Tableware thefts by students pose problems for Bon Appetit.