About the Contributor
Shelby LaPorte, Staff Writer
Shelby LaPorte is a freshman journalism major with a concentration in writing and publishing. She loves to read, paint, draw, watch movies and shows and go on adventures with her friends.
I was born and raised in Fremont, California, about an hour's drive from San Francisco. I’ve moved a total of five times throughout my life and two of these happened in the last three years. I never moved far and remained in the same school district my whole life. Growing up, I spent my time dancing and swimming. These were my great passions for a long time.
The summer after I had graduated from high school, I was given a letter that I had written to myself in 6th grade. In this letter, I wrote that I was going to go to Biola. This goes to show that I had known for a long time that Biola was the school for me. I remember visiting the school when I was around ten years old and it didn’t take long for me to fall in love with it. Biola felt like home and from that moment on I knew exactly where my life was going in terms of college.
Though I’ve always loved reading and writing, I never imagined that I would become a journalist. Like a lot of young girls, I dreamed of being a professional ballerina and when that fizzled out, I wanted to be an Olympic swimmer. At some point, I moved beyond these unlikely dreams and landed on nursing. I had no reasoning or understanding of why I wanted to become a nurse, but my mind had been made up. When I came to Biola last fall, I began my nursing journey. However, about halfway through the semester, I took a moment to think about what I was doing and realized this wasn’t where I was meant to be. I stumbled upon the idea that journalism may be the career path for me and this semester is my first as a journalism major. I’m so excited to see what God has in store for me for the rest of my time at Biola.