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Make use of every moment

Mark Cahill explains how every moment holds the chance to welcome someone to eternity.
Speaker Mark Cahill asks the audience how can we not share the good news when we have a message about a savior who rescues souls. | Anna Warner/THE CHIMES
Speaker Mark Cahill asks the audience how can we not share the good news when we have a message about a savior who rescues souls. | Anna Warner/THE CHIMES

When was the last time you shared the Gospel with someone? Are you withholding those tickets to heaven from souls who are going to spend the eternity in burning flames?

What Holds You Back

You are the chosen child of God, you are equipped, you hold God’s truth. There is no devil in hell who can stop a follower of Jesus filled with the Holy Spirit from proclaiming the Gospel, the only one who can stop you is yourself.

What holds you back? What scares you to proclaim the good news of Jesus?

“Sharing the faith isn't a presentation, it's a conversation. You present and witness during the conversation.” said Mark Cahill, one of the speakers of Biola’s 87th Mission’s Conference.

Never Stop Practicing

Let your life story proclaim the joy and life Jesus has brought you. Share what Jesus means to you, share your experience of him. Never stop practicing. Be bold in sharing the life giving truth that lives within you. Do not withhold this privilege from people. Love people enough to tell them the truth; do not love Jesus so little to keep Him only to yourself.

Do you feel inadequate? Throw that lie away. If you are born again you know more about Jesus than anyone else who has never heard of Him. We are at a Christian college. If all the biblical information we are being blessed with does not play on the street, what is the point of it? Use your voice, use your gifts and remember you do not have to do this alone. Ask the Holy Spirit’s help.

Take advantage of this season of favor God has blessed us with. We have the freedom to speak out life-giving truth. Keep a heavenly perspective, make use of time. Do not be scared of being rejected or mocked. The truth is it will not be easy. There will be troubles and persecution, but as Cahill said, “God is still God, Jesus’ blood still cleanses and the tomb is still empty.” The good news is worth sharing.

The First Step

The first step to take is asking people about themselves, it is their favorite subject. Be a vigilant observer. Open up the conversation by noticing things in them that stand out like special clothing, jewelry or tattoos. Let them start sharing. Listen and ask incisive questions.

“Make sure you get them lost before you get them saved,” explained Cahill.

Ask them if they consider themselves to be good people. Redirect your conversation towards the 10 commandments by asking them if they have ever lied, stolen or  lusted. The answer is always yes, there is no sinless human being. Mention the judgement day, ask them if they think they would be guilty. The truth is they would. No one wants to go to hell. This is your chance. Blow that trumpet, lay out the truth. Show them repentance, the cross, the resurrection and Jesus’ salvation. This might be your chance to save a soul. All you need to do is plant the seed. Be bold, you can do this. As Cahill concluded, “it takes guts but you won't take time to share unless it is important for you.”

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