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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Renovations call for student input

Infographic by Sean Leone/THE CHIMES
Students do not know where their tuition money goes and they do not like it.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer March 15, 2016
Students do not know where their tuition money goes and they do not like it.

Mock Rock exclusivity hurts community

SOS performs at Mock Rock 2015.  |  Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
The light-hearted Biola competition should be more open to new members joining groups.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer March 15, 2016
The light-hearted Biola competition should be more open to new members joining groups.

Students must invest their time wisely

Photo courtesy of Zurich Lewis
Former Chimes opinions editor and current Cerritos College trustee Zurich Lewis shares lessons learned from the other side of college.
Zurich Lewis, Writer November 3, 2015
Former Chimes opinions editor and current Cerritos College trustee Zurich Lewis shares lessons learned from the other side of college.

Universities see rise in hostility towards Judaism

Universities see rise in hostility towards Judaism
As anti-Semitic feelings increase on U.S. college campuses, the Biola community evaluates their part in the conversation.
Emily Ednoff, Writer March 4, 2015
As anti-Semitic feelings increase on U.S. college campuses, the Biola community evaluates their part in the conversation.

Listen for loneliness

Illustration by Everlyn Lee/THE CHIMES
Many university students experience loneliness, which has adverse effects on their emotional and physical health.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer February 1, 2015
Many university students experience loneliness, which has adverse effects on their emotional and physical health.