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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation
Political unity will only be brought about by firm victory—a victory by a new Abraham Lincoln.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 11, 2018
What should have marked the final push to depoliticize the Supreme Court has ended by returning the prodigal match to our political arsonists. President Trump, during the Kavanaugh hearing, mocked Dr. Ford’s testimony by mimicking her during his rally. Hillary Clinton recently called for the end of political civility until the Democratic Party has regained power in congress. Sen. Corey Booker argued whoever supports Kavanaugh is “complicit in evil.” What should have ended political polarization has marked the beginning of a political cold war. A decisive victory must be won. But how? By whom?

Paul Martin speaks about philosophy, music and politics

Paul Martin
Q&A with a Talbot graduate running for office in which he describes his exciting life.
Jessica Goddard, Features Editor February 20, 2018

Paul Martin, who received a masters degree in Philosophy of Religion and Ethics from Talbot in 2008, has worked in a number of different fields, including the Christian music industry and church ministry. Now he plans to run for the United States Congress in November. Q: TELL ME A BIT ABOUT YOUR...

Students welcome the Holy Spirit

Caleb Raney/THE CHIMES
Torrey Conference generates conversation about an underrecognized member of the Trinity.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 12, 2017
Torrey Conference generates conversation about an underrecognized member of the Trinity.

Center connects to the Spirit

Caitlin Gaines/THE CHIMES
Oscar Merlo shares his vision for the new center on campus.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) October 5, 2017
Oscar Merlo shares his vision for the new center on campus.

Celebration enlightens perceptions

Rebecca Mitchell/THE CHIMES
Students engage with Hispanic Heritage Month.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer September 19, 2017
Students engage with Hispanic Heritage Month.

Profile: Amanda Beshay on Mormonism

Biola Mormon ministries encourage educational and relational approach.
Jessica Goddard, Writer September 12, 2017
Biola Mormon ministries encourage educational and relational approach.

Veterans deploy to Biola

Jessica GoddardTHE CHIMES
Two military service members make leaps and bounds in academic life.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) September 12, 2017
Two military service members make leaps and bounds in academic life.

Talbot to start first fully online programs

Stephen Frederick/THE CHIMES
School to offer three graduate degrees in accessible modality.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief May 9, 2017
School to offer three graduate degrees in accessible modality.

Biola hosts Israel & the Church discussion

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Three panel speakers discussed the difficult but promising relationship between Christians and Jews.
Bethany Higa, Writer March 3, 2016
Three panel speakers discussed the difficult but promising relationship between Christians and Jews.

A Day in the Life: From glamorous to Godliness

After years of finding his identity in homosexuality and fame, Becket Cook pursues ministry through Talbot. | Photo courtesy of Becket Cook
After years of finding his identity in homosexuality and fame, Becket Cook pursues ministry through Talbot.
Elise Kelly, Writer September 29, 2015
After years of finding his identity in homosexuality and fame, Becket Cook pursues ministry through Talbot.

More than a board game

The outside packaging of the Roots game is shown. The game was lead by Talbot philosophy student Joe Ko.
Talbot student’s visual design firm launches first language-based project.
Augusta McDonnell, Writer November 5, 2014
Talbot student’s visual design firm launches first language-based project.