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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Fuller Theological Seminary sued for expelling LGBTQ students

Fuller Theological Seminary sued for expelling LGBTQ students
The nearby evangelical seminary's legal battle could determine how community standards at Christian universities apply to LGBTQ individuals.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor January 18, 2020

Fuller Theological Seminary, a multi-denominational Christian evangelical seminary in Pasadena is facing a lawsuit that alleges that the institution violated anti-discrimination laws by expelling students for being married to someone of the same sex. The second plaintiff, Nathan Brittsan, joined plaintiff...

Panel addresses relationships with chocolate and discussion

Panel addresses relationships with chocolate and discussion
Students present a panel with questions about sex and intimacy.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 14, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Feb. 14, 2019). The smell of melted chocolate consumed the air as students filed into the Alpha Hall lobby to receive a sweet treat and have their relationship questions answered. In anticipation of Valentine’s Day, Alpha’s residence life staff...

The Holy Spirit pursues reconciliation

God calls the church to faithfully step into hard conversations.
Jana Eller, Office Manager October 12, 2017
God calls the church to faithfully step into hard conversations.

Torrey Revisits Sexual Redemption

Directors offer a previous conference session again per request of female students.
Jana Eller, Office Manager February 22, 2017
Directors offer a previous conference session again per request of female students.

Biola builds an EPIC community

Infographic by Cassidy Eldridge/ THE CHIMES
Student Care’s process helps students overcome their struggles.
Kiera Price, Writer November 29, 2016
Student Care’s process helps students overcome their struggles.

Work it, girl

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
Males and females should apply to whatever field interests them regardless of social pressures.
Alondra Urizar, Writer December 8, 2015
Males and females should apply to whatever field interests them regardless of social pressures.

Christians overlook trans issues

Illustration by Jessica Byrd/THE CHIMES
The Christian must consider trans issues by staying informed and looking to Scripture.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer September 15, 2015
The Christian must consider trans issues by staying informed and looking to Scripture.

Sex and Violence: ingredients of storytelling,
Cinema’s use of sex and violence reveals deeper truths about human longing.
David Vendrell, Writer May 12, 2015
Cinema’s use of sex and violence reveals deeper truths about human longing.

Fifty shades of tragedy

Illustration by Jessica Byrd/THE CHIMES
Despite its infamous portrayal of BDSM and reputation as “mommy porn,” “Fifty Shades of Grey” weaves a much darker tale that should be at the forefront of the movie’s conversation.
David Vendrell, Writer February 12, 2015
Despite its infamous portrayal of BDSM and reputation as “mommy porn,” “Fifty Shades of Grey” weaves a much darker tale that should be at the forefront of the movie’s conversation.

Friendship, not sex

Professor Tim Muehlhoff and Jonalyn Fincher continue the cross gender relationships discussion and the importance of separating romantic relationships from friendships is clarified.
Continuing the cross gender relationships discussion, the importance of separating romantic relationships from friendships is clarified.
Conrad Frommelt, Writer November 18, 2014
Continuing the cross gender relationships discussion, the importance of separating romantic relationships from friendships is clarified.

Sexuality and the church

 | Illustration by Jess Byrd/THE CHIMES
Amanda Hilpert rejects the idea that sex and Christianity are mutually exclusive, and encourages believers of the importance of open, honest dialogue regarding a beautiful expression of intimacy created by God.
Amanda Hilpert, Writer October 22, 2014
Amanda Hilpert rejects the idea that sex and Christianity are mutually exclusive, and encourages believers of the importance of open, honest dialogue regarding a beautiful expression of intimacy created by God.