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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The people order back

Photo Courtesy of Biola Magazine
Affected groups lift their voices in response to recent executive motions.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer February 15, 2017
Affected groups lift their voices in response to recent executive motions.

Election provokes emotional response

Maddi Seyfarth/ THE CHIMES
After Trump becomes president-elect, students share their reactions.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer November 17, 2016
After Trump becomes president-elect, students share their reactions.

Americans should embrace virtues of hope
Anger and courage grips nation after presidential election.
Jason Muehlhoff, Writer November 15, 2016
Anger and courage grips nation after presidential election.

Sexual promiscuity complicates election

Infographic by Cassidy Eldridge/ THE CHIMES
Students speak on sexual assault and the presidential election.
Jessica Goddard, Writer November 1, 2016
Students speak on sexual assault and the presidential election.

Biolans are disillusioned by presidential election

Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.

Trump cannot deny new groping scandals
Distrust of the evidence cannot discredit sexual assault claims.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 18, 2016
Distrust of the evidence cannot discredit sexual assault claims.

Students indecisive about voting

Infographic by Jose Flores/ THE CHIMES
Almost half the students in a recent survey remain undecided about who to vote for.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer September 27, 2016
Almost half the students in a recent survey remain undecided about who to vote for.

The American Military-Industrial Complex kills democracy
With election season approaching, it is the duty of the American public to stop the war industry’s growing political influence.
Justin Yun, Writer September 13, 2016
With election season approaching, it is the duty of the American public to stop the war industry’s growing political influence.

Presidential race creates spectator democracy
Disengagement in politics robs citizens of democracy.
Justin Yun, Writer March 8, 2016
Disengagement in politics robs citizens of democracy.

Fiorina restores faith in GOP
Carly Fiorina’s success in debates represents the importance of clear communication in politics.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer September 30, 2015
Carly Fiorina’s success in debates represents the importance of clear communication in politics.