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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Balenciaga is to blame for child exploitation in photoshoot

Balenciaga is under fire for launching a sexually charged campaign which exploited children.
Fashion brand is responsible for its controversial marketing campaign.
Lauren Good, Staff Writer January 18, 2023

Fashion brand Balenciaga recently sparked controversy across social media after launching a campaign that featured photos portraying children with sexually-implicated objects, implying that the brand condones child exploitation. After people expressed their concerns on social media, the brand publicly...

Thank God. student brand sparks gratitude

Sophomore liberal studies multidisciplinary major Clariss Ajanel reps her Thank God. sweatshirt.
Thank God. inspires a posture of gratitude across campus through the widespread presence of their clothing apparel.
Fashion Castillo-Delgadillo, Arts & Entertainment Editor October 15, 2022

Founded by junior business marketing major Grant Lawrence and Biola alumnus Sterling Reed, Thank God. has progressively developed a presence on campus with their apparel stating “Thank God” in simple but impactful designs. Lawrence and Reed hope that their brand is able to amplify gratitude across...

TikTok and the British Fashion Council unite for this season’s fashion show

TikTok and the British Fashion Council unite for this season’s fashion show
Featuring both live and in-person shows, LFW 2021 was truly unique.
Emily Coffey, Managing Editor September 21, 2021

London fashion week runs from Sept. 16–21 this year in a hybrid format that allows the event to feel normal—but better. Many designers are offering live versions of their shows, while other designers are opting for in-person shows hosted at the Old Selfridges Hotel.  TIKTOK SPONSORSHIP  On Sept....

PROJECTHREAD teaches users to better steward their closet

PROJECTHREAD teaches users to better steward their closet
The company plans to launch its beta app at the beginning of May.
Carly Grider, Freelance Writer April 27, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Apr. 25, 2019). It all started about four years ago, when senior business administration major Anthony Raffa came up with the idea of an app that functions as a virtual closet. Unlike other brands that create outfits based on the clothing available...

ParaBrands uses startup win to expand vision

ParaBrands uses startup win to expand vision
The company looks to move forward in its next phase with new clothes and charity work.
Jacob Allen, Freelance Writer March 28, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Mar. 28, 2019). From the time ParaBrands co-founder and sophomore business administration major Nick Rumer was a child, one of his biggest dreams was to own his own business. Now, with ParaBrands taking first place at the Biola Startup Competition, Rumer...

ParaBrands weaves into first place

The parabrands team receives their first-place check
In the fourth annual Biola Startup Competition, businesses focused on clothing and bicycles win podium spots.
Rebecca Mitchell, Freelance Writer March 15, 2019

“Wow, the Lord is real. He is present and he wants us to run with this and make it a movement,” said Nick Rumer, sophomore business administration major and CEO and co-founder of ParaBrands. After years of dreaming about running his own business, Rumer is seeing God’s work in producing a clothing...

Professionals prepare pre-professionals

Speaker talks to students
Career Expo Prep Night gives students tools for meeting potential employers.
Jessica Goddard, Features Editor February 14, 2018

When students reach a certain point in their academic career, they begin to wonder what in the world they will do with their lives. For most, facing the end of their school years produces anxiety. The Career Center aims to ease students’ job-search stress by hosting a yearly career exposition. The...

Ethical fashion company CEO addresses human trafficking

Kohl Crecelius at fireside chat
Krochet Kids, Known Supply CEO and cofounder talks about the positive impacts of knowing one’s clothing.
Jessica Goddard, Features Editor February 6, 2018

For Kohl Crecelius it all began with a hobby—crocheting—which he did not expect to turn into a ministry and business. ABOUT KROCHET KIDS Crecelius, the CEO and cofounder of Krochet Kids intl., came to campus Jan. 29 for a Fireside Chat hosted by the Entrepreneurship Society to discuss his...

How the British influenced American fashion

How the British influenced American fashion
Their fashion has seeped into the pores of America.
Vic Silva, Staff Writer November 29, 2017

The Brits have influenced Americans many a time throughout this temporary life. Influences ranging from the new millennial love for tea to witty, proper vernacular used in sitcoms to promote both knowledge and dictionaries. Something seems authentically endearing about their accented tongue, which translates...

The remarkable influence of black in fashion

Caitlin Gaines/THE CHIMES
Black as a hue has several grand effects upon the fashion world.
Vic Silva, Writer October 25, 2017
Black as a hue has several grand effects upon the fashion world.

The art of a trend

Caleb Raney/THE CHIMES
People often ignore the why behind trends, but here is a glimpse into the underlying complexity.
Vic Silva, Writer September 19, 2017
People often ignore the why behind trends, but here is a glimpse into the underlying complexity.

Fashion is not gender exclusive

Males should not fear the social stigma of this art.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 25, 2016
Males should not fear the social stigma of this art.