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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA chapel encourages voting

Monday’s chapel prepares students and candidates for the upcoming elections through prayer and campaigning.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor February 11, 2019

As the Student Government Association and Student Missionary Union get ready for their annual elections, candidates were given the opportunity to campaign during SGA chapel on Monday. PRAYER Director of Spiritual Development Chad Miller started the session by focusing on an integration of prayer in...

Meet your 2019-2020 senatorial candidates

Meet your 2019-2020 senatorial candidates
This year’s senate race features a two-way competition for the Horton senator position.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor February 8, 2019

Editor’s note: The candidates’ responses to the following Q&A were received by email and have been edited slightly for style. Keren Godwin | Horton Hall Year: Freshman Major: Communication Studies Why do you want to represent your community / dorm in SGA? “My slogan is, ‘Give your...

Q&A: SMU presidential candidate Carly Micheal

Q&A: SMU presidential candidate Carly Micheal
Hear why the junior business marketing major is running for president of the Student Missionary Union.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 7, 2019

Q: Why do you feel equipped to lead SMU? A: I went on a trip with SMU first, so I've gotten to... be involved with SMU in that capacity, but then this year, I am also on the board of directors for SMU as the director of administration... I've gotten to be in all of those and take in part and participate...

Q&A: SMU presidential candidate Dee Jacocks

Q&A: SMU presidential candidate Dee Jacocks
Hear why the junior Christian ministries major is running for president of the Student Missionary Union.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager February 7, 2019

Q: Why do you feel equipped to lead SMU? A: “I definitely feel that God has equipped me to do this just throughout my life. I became a Christian when I was 18, and I’m 23 now… Everyone began to affirm my leadership and affirm God’s hand on me as far as wanting to study the word and wanting to...

SGA presidential campaign continues without competition

photo shows renee waller and seth gladysz
Unopposed candidates Renee Waller and Seth Gladysz want students to ‘pursue your passion.’
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) February 5, 2019

After a recent turn of events, junior political science major Renee Waller and sophomore political science major Seth Gladysz are now running for Student Government Association president and vice president unopposed this election cycle. Waller served as Hart Hall's SGA senator during the 2017-18 school...

Senators debate constitutional changes

The Student Government Association logo
Four amendments discussed in senate meeting.
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor January 23, 2018

The Student Government Association discussed their constitution, including proposals and voting on changes to the constitution. SGA president Gregory Ambrose began the conversation by distinguishing between what belongs in the constitution and in the bylaws: broad objectives and logistical aspects,...

Senators gather to hear updates

The Student Government Association logo
SGA passes an internal proposal and prepares for events.
Rebecca Mitchell, Managing Editor January 18, 2018

In the first Student Government Association meeting of the semester, senators heard about upcoming events and voted on an internal proposal. Vice president of administrative services Olivia Romo shared elections updates, including the application due date of Jan. 18 and the SGA elections chapel on...

Internal proposals total $18,160

SGA Logo
Proposals consist of the SGA scholarship, a Christmas party and election info nights.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer November 9, 2017
Proposals consist of the SGA scholarship, a Christmas party and election info nights.

New addition to Biola’s veteran culture

Biola Veterans Association hopes to make the campus more veteran-friendly.
Victoria Chiang, Copy Editor October 17, 2017
Biola Veterans Association hopes to make the campus more veteran-friendly.

Students prepare to vote

Caroline Sommers/THE CHIMES
In the SGA chapel, students learn the candidates' campaign platforms.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer March 8, 2017
In the SGA chapel, students learn the candidates' campaign platforms.

One person, one vote decision upholds equality
Supreme Court decisions allow undocumented citizens, illegal immigrants and children in district-line drawing process for equal representation.
Tim Seeberger, Writer April 26, 2016
Supreme Court decisions allow undocumented citizens, illegal immigrants and children in district-line drawing process for equal representation.

Students apathetic towards voting

Tony Flores/THE CHIMES
A large percent of students feel either unsure or unwilling to vote in the 2016 presidential election.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer April 13, 2016
A large percent of students feel either unsure or unwilling to vote in the 2016 presidential election.