Alpha hosts 21st annual Candyland
Alpha residents and SGA overcame budget concerns to keep the tradition going.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer
• October 31, 2019
2019 Nationball: OCC takes home free burritos
Commuters overcome Horton to take first place, winning free Taco Bell.
Lacey Patrick, Editor-in-Chief
• September 20, 2019
SGA Rundown: Pursue your Passion week, SGA Hour and newsletters
Senators get a first look at their duties for the year.
Maria Weyne, News Editor
• September 5, 2019
Meet the new SGA and SMU executive boards
SGA’s Renee Waller and SMU’s Carly Micheal hire new members to build their Fall 2019 board.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor
• April 4, 2019