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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Living life together in a Christ-centered community

Junior Evan Tan. | John Buchanan/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Evan Tan expresses his desire for Christ-centered community.
Evan Tan, Writer May 14, 2013
Evan Tan expresses his desire for Christ-centered community.

What’s in a name? Reflections on work and status

Daryen Thompson sophomore | Meagan Garton/THE CHIMES
Stefan Carlson challenges the way people are viewed in light of their job status.
Stefan Carlson, Writer May 13, 2013
Stefan Carlson challenges the way people are viewed in light of their job status.

Words from the Wise: managing your money

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Rick Bee, director of alumni and parents and professor of elective "Faith and Money," gives helpful money lessons to ensure financial success.
Rick Bee, Writer May 12, 2013
Rick Bee, director of alumni and parents and professor of elective "Faith and Money," gives helpful money lessons to ensure financial success.

Letter from the Editor: why I wrote about homosexuality on campus

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Hear from our editor-in-chief on the decision to run a series on homosexuality at Biola in the final weeks of the semester.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer May 9, 2013
Hear from our editor-in-chief on the decision to run a series on homosexuality at Biola in the final weeks of the semester.

Out with the old: Shaefer Bagwell says goodbye

John Buchanan/THE CHIMES
Shaefer Bagwell's term as opinions editor comes to an end.
Shaefer Bagwell, Writer May 8, 2013
Shaefer Bagwell's term as opinions editor comes to an end.

Corey’s Corner: a challenge to do something daring

| Photo courtesy of University Communications and Marketing
President Barry Corey challenges the Biola community to set and achieve goals.
President Barry Corey, Writer May 8, 2013
President Barry Corey challenges the Biola community to set and achieve goals.

Staff Editorial: a thank you to professors

Members of the Chimes staff recognize influential professors.
Chimes Staff, Writer May 7, 2013
Members of the Chimes staff recognize influential professors.

Check your phone at the door

Students enjoy lunch together in the Caf last Fall. Rachelle Cihonski urges Biola students to put their phones away and be fully present with table mates while eating meals. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Rachelle Cihonski challenges students to put down the phone for the sake of living intentionally.
Rachelle Cihonski, Writer May 7, 2013
Rachelle Cihonski challenges students to put down the phone for the sake of living intentionally.

Staff Editorial: being authentic as Christians in social media

Courtesy of John LeMasney [Creative Commons]
Maybe Christians need to rethink the purpose of social media.
Chimes Staff, Writer May 1, 2013
Maybe Christians need to rethink the purpose of social media.

NBA player first professional athlete to come out as gay

NBA: Playoffs-Boston Celtics at Atlanta Hawks, Jason Collins | Joshua S. Kelly [Creative Commons]
Anders Corey argues that sports are not a place to make political or religious fights.
Anders Corey, Writer May 1, 2013
Anders Corey argues that sports are not a place to make political or religious fights.

Biolans and spiritual apathy: understanding Scripture in a copy and paste age

Robert James Winans discusses the dangers of forgetting to spend quality time with God in the Word — and copying from Studylight or Bible Gateway doesn’t count. | Photo illustration by Ashleigh Fox/THE CHIMES
R.J. Winans argues that Biolans should be more aware of Scripture.
Robert James Winans, Writer May 1, 2013
R.J. Winans argues that Biolans should be more aware of Scripture.

Biola students need to change their mindset about missions

Closing out the Torrey Conference, speaker Mike Erre challenges students to seek the person of Christ, suggesting they "read Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and repeat." | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Shaefer Bagwell argues that Biola students need to rethink missions.
Shaefer Bagwell, Writer April 29, 2013
Shaefer Bagwell argues that Biola students need to rethink missions.