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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Why secular journalism needs Christians

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Katie Nelson emphasizes the need for Christians to work in media.
Katie Nelson, Writer September 10, 2013
Katie Nelson emphasizes the need for Christians to work in media.

Words from the Wise: graphic images serve God’s purposes

Professor Judith Rood is hosting the second annual Holocaust Awareness Week at Biola. | Kelsey Heng/File Photo
Graphic images help reveal the reality of living in a fallen world.
Judith Rood, Writer September 9, 2013
Graphic images help reveal the reality of living in a fallen world.

Corey’s Corner: affirming our pro-life stance

| Photo courtesy of University Communications and Marketing
President Barry Corey addresses the anti-abortion protestors present on the first week of school.
President Barry Corey, Writer September 4, 2013
President Barry Corey addresses the anti-abortion protestors present on the first week of school.

A statement of introduction and intent

Opinions staff writer for 2013-14, Stefan Carlson. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
New opinions writer, Stefan Carlson, introduces himself.
Stefan Carlson, Writer September 3, 2013
New opinions writer, Stefan Carlson, introduces himself.

Letter from the Editor: my vision for the next 52 weeks

Heather Leith is the 2013-14 editor-in-chief of the Chimes. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Heather Leith expresses her excitement and vision for her year serving as editor-in-chief of the Chimes.
Heather Leith, Writer September 2, 2013
Heather Leith expresses her excitement and vision for her year serving as editor-in-chief of the Chimes.

Sharpened words: Why I cried at the LGBT Pride Parade

Courtesy of Creative Commons
Anna Frost reflects on her experience attending the LGBT Pride Parade.
Anna Frost, Writer September 2, 2013
Anna Frost reflects on her experience attending the LGBT Pride Parade.

Post-traumatic summer disorder

Courtesy of Creative Commons
R.J. Winans encourages transparency when it comes to expressing our different summer experiences.
Robert James Winans, Writer August 31, 2013
R.J. Winans encourages transparency when it comes to expressing our different summer experiences.

The Sad Misunderstanding: Zimmerman v. Florida

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Thoughts on the recent George Zimmerman trial's conclusion.
Robert James Winans, Writer July 17, 2013
Thoughts on the recent George Zimmerman trial's conclusion.

Don’t mess with my Vin Scully

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
R.J. Winans honors the voice of the LA Dodgers, Vin Scully.
Robert James Winans, Writer June 27, 2013
R.J. Winans honors the voice of the LA Dodgers, Vin Scully.

Don’t waste your summer

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
R.J. Winans challenges students to not waste time this summer.
Robert James Winans, Writer May 21, 2013
R.J. Winans challenges students to not waste time this summer.

Staff Editorial: closing thoughts from seniors

Senior Emily Arnold. | Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Senior staff members share some of their wisdom to continuing Biola students.
Chimes Staff, Writer May 15, 2013
Senior staff members share some of their wisdom to continuing Biola students.

Last call: Keep talking, Biola

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Elizabeth Sallie speaks about her experience as the editor-in-chief for two years and overall love of journalism.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer May 15, 2013
Elizabeth Sallie speaks about her experience as the editor-in-chief for two years and overall love of journalism.