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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

New $20 bill cheapens an American heroine
Harriet Tubman deserves more honor than simply putting her face on a piece of currency.
Justin Yun, Writer May 3, 2016
Harriet Tubman deserves more honor than simply putting her face on a piece of currency.

Christian education holds a place in democracy

President Barry Corey recounts his struggle with convincing Sacramento of the value of Christian education.
President Barry Corey, Writer May 3, 2016
President Barry Corey recounts his struggle with convincing Sacramento of the value of Christian education.

Travel calms burdened students’ minds
Before the burden of finals, travel may help students clear their minds before studying.
Tim Seeberger, Writer May 3, 2016
Before the burden of finals, travel may help students clear their minds before studying.

May Day parade recognizes labor struggles

Hundreds of people gathered in Los Angeles to celebrate past and current resistance against corporate exploitation.
Justin Yun, Writer May 3, 2016
Hundreds of people gathered in Los Angeles to celebrate past and current resistance against corporate exploitation.

Criticism of millennials — nothing new

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Adult criticism of the youth goes all the way back to ancient Greece.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer May 3, 2016
Adult criticism of the youth goes all the way back to ancient Greece.

Students need more off-campus housing

Cassidy Campos/THE CHIMES
Biola cannot ignore the massive demand from students for apartments.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer April 26, 2016
Biola cannot ignore the massive demand from students for apartments.

Hillary Clinton refuses to tackle climate change
The Democratic party candidate chooses fossil fuel industry over environment.
Justin Yun, Writer April 26, 2016
The Democratic party candidate chooses fossil fuel industry over environment.

One person, one vote decision upholds equality
Supreme Court decisions allow undocumented citizens, illegal immigrants and children in district-line drawing process for equal representation.
Tim Seeberger, Writer April 26, 2016
Supreme Court decisions allow undocumented citizens, illegal immigrants and children in district-line drawing process for equal representation.

Apathy towards injustice is unjust

Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Biolans must stop denying the issue of racism at hand and help one another grow as a community.
Tim Seeberger, Writer April 26, 2016
Biolans must stop denying the issue of racism at hand and help one another grow as a community.

Minimum wage hurts more than just economies

Infographic by Tony Flores/THE CHIMES
Seattle and Puerto Rico warn us to not follow in their footsteps of a $15 minimum wage.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer April 26, 2016
Seattle and Puerto Rico warn us to not follow in their footsteps of a $15 minimum wage.

Bombing of Yemen falls on deaf ears
It is time to challenge Saudi Arabia and stop the violence against the Yemenis.
Justin Yun, Writer April 26, 2016
It is time to challenge Saudi Arabia and stop the violence against the Yemenis.

BDS campaign calls for boycott against Israel
BDS campaign inspired by boycott movement against South African apartheid.
Justin Yun, Writer April 19, 2016
BDS campaign inspired by boycott movement against South African apartheid.