Avoiding the awkward turtle
Life is filled with the awkward turtle. If you have no idea what that is, place your right hand directly over your left and wiggle your thumbs in an awkward motion. See? There you have it. But seriously, life has awkward moments scattered across it, and some are more frequent than others.
October 4, 2008
Facing off: The Democratic tax plan
By declaring intentions to take more taxes from the rich and to give tax cuts to the poor, Sen. Barack Obama has become a modern day Robin Hood. As president, his plan is to restore fairness and give 95 percent of Americans the tax relief they need.
October 1, 2008
Time for some self-improvement
Summer is a great excuse to eat awesome food, but that wonderful season has come to an end and the ice cream trucks have driven off into the sunset. However, even with the trucks gone, the ice cream has stayed with me, and yet again, it’s time for some self-improvement.
October 1, 2008
To see or not see – that is the question
Most Christians, however, watch the same movies as everyone else. We are not automatons who imitate the bad behavior on screen and we evaluate the story as a whole rather than count swear words. We believe all truth is God’s truth and reality has no production code or parental controls. We know that good art reflects life – and life isn’t all chocolate. But is there a point where there’s too much doo-doo on that DVD?
October 1, 2008
Why are we here at Biola?
If our goal is to spread the good news, and if we have so few years to accomplish that on this earth, why, I wondered, should we 'waste' four, five or (heaven forbid) six years in college? How could I consider myself deserving enough to spend (cringe) countless thousands of dollars on college, especially when there is so much need in the world?
September 30, 2008
Could there be another Cold War?
The most significant change in Russian/world relations happened this summer when Russia violated Georgia’s sovereign territory. The world is a different place than it was before the conflict – the reaction of world leaders shows that much.
September 30, 2008
Biola’s reputation rests on students
Biola has only as much integrity as her students. From the Campus Issues folder on BUBBS to philosophy classes, from Commons to the off-campus parties, a sentiment floats in the consciousness of Biola students. Biola’s administration – ResLife, Student Development, and even President Corey – lack integrity. I beg to differ.
September 30, 2008
The dollar menu disappearance
I took a few steps forward and I began to place my order. I had only uttered the words “dollar chicken nuggets,” before a slightly dazed employee behind the counter interrupted and said, “We don’t have those anymore.”
September 29, 2008
Presidential plan for the future
President Corey shares his plan for the upcoming years at Biola: During my first year here at Biola, I hit the ground listening in order to better assess the needs of this university. While my listening has not ceased, I am pleased to move ahead so that we as a community can boldly step together into year one of century two. I’d like to share with you some of the changes I have already made as well as some ideas I have for Biola’s future.
September 25, 2008
Michael Cera ruined us all
I wouldn't normally consider myself to be a "jealous guy" per-se, but I have to admit, when my girlfriend joined a Michael Cera Facebook fan club the other day, I started to become a bit skeptical.
September 24, 2008
The truth about chapel overcrowding
On Friday morning, I got to the gym five minutes early and braced myself for a claustrophobic’s nightmare: a teeming mass of tired, cramped, sweaty, fire-code-violating mosh pit of “Biola community” I keep hearing about. Attendance typically peaks at the beginning of the semester and dwindles to a more manageable level. The highest attendance this year was 2,096, which is far from the legal limit of 3,200.
September 24, 2008
Facing off: The Democratic VP
Sen. Joe Biden has demonstrated dedicated service, action, partnership, and humility while serving in congress for the last 35 years, making him the longest serving senator in Delaware history. His displayed patriotism and strong work ethic supports Obama’s choice of him as vice president of the United States of America.
September 23, 2008
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Nina Corral, Sports Editor • February 1, 2025
Biola Baseball is stacked with power, as public health junior James Whitman is a slugging machine impacting the team. Last season, he ranked...