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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Staff Editorial: Biola must prioritize expansion

With Biola's recent growth, the Chimes staff suggests some prioritizing of improvements to campus.
Chimes Staff, Writer November 17, 2010
With Biola's recent growth, the Chimes staff suggests some prioritizing of improvements to campus.

Thanksgiving flash-backs and flash-forwards

Fier shares his Thanksgiving traditions and what he expects from the holiday this year.
Matthew Fier, Writer November 16, 2010
Fier shares his Thanksgiving traditions and what he expects from the holiday this year.

NPR fires news analyst for political incorrectness

NPR fires news analyst Juan Williams after a supposedly bigoted comment on the O’Reilly Factor, raising eyebrows and questions about the application of political correctness.
Elisa Walker, Writer November 14, 2010
NPR fires news analyst Juan Williams after a supposedly bigoted comment on the O’Reilly Factor, raising eyebrows and questions about the application of political correctness.

Colleges missing the mark on diversity

Although racial diversity on college campuses is emphasized nationwide, people are beginning to notice that diversity of thought and of religion is often ignored.
Elizabeth Lutzker, Writer November 13, 2010
Although racial diversity on college campuses is emphasized nationwide, people are beginning to notice that diversity of thought and of religion is often ignored.

Don’t pray without really talking to God

Authentic prayer means actually talking to God.
November 13, 2010
Authentic prayer means actually talking to God.

Staff Editorial: Tomatoes and tuition

The Biola community should remember the generous donors who our education possible and enrich our campus.
Chimes Staff, Writer November 12, 2010
The Biola community should remember the generous donors who our education possible and enrich our campus.

On legends and college life

Fier reflects on the learning experience of college and using the time to explore the person God intends you to be.
Matthew Fier, Writer November 11, 2010
Fier reflects on the learning experience of college and using the time to explore the person God intends you to be.

Staff Editorial: Elections over, but effects still to come

Recent elections reveal more of the same in California and some surprises nationwide, but voters’ duties are not over.
Chimes Staff, Writer November 7, 2010
Recent elections reveal more of the same in California and some surprises nationwide, but voters’ duties are not over.

Gridlocked Washington good for politics

After the midterm elections, the government is gridlocked. Dobbs lists some of the benefits of a gridlocked government.
Jared Dobbs, Writer November 4, 2010
After the midterm elections, the government is gridlocked. Dobbs lists some of the benefits of a gridlocked government.

Apocalyptic claims are unbiblical

Harold Camping, a radio personality, is predicting the end of the world in May 2011. Daniels address Camping's claims with biblical truth.
November 4, 2010
Harold Camping, a radio personality, is predicting the end of the world in May 2011. Daniels address Camping's claims with biblical truth.

Corey’s Corner: Biola’s spirit supports athletes

Dr. Barry Corey encourages Biola students to continue supporting their sports teams with excitement.
President Barry Corey, Writer November 4, 2010
Dr. Barry Corey encourages Biola students to continue supporting their sports teams with excitement.

The journey home

Fier reflects on what is truly important as he sits in the airport for a surprise trip home.
Matthew Fier, Writer November 2, 2010
Fier reflects on what is truly important as he sits in the airport for a surprise trip home.