Entertaining angels unawares

Professor Canning remembers the chance encounters he has had with interesting people and shares the importance of valuing everyone you meet.

Years ago, when I was a student at Biola, we had a chapel speaker who said something I have never forgotten. He told us that “years from now you will be the same as you are today except for the books you read and the people you meet.” If he were speaking at Biola today, he would probably have to add “..and the videos you see,” but back then that wasn’t an issue. Unfortunately, I didn’t realize the importance of this statement at the time, but as I look back on my life now I see the wisdom of it. Of all the things that have happened in my life, it has been the people I have met that have had the greatest impact.

Parents, friends, teachers, and even fellow classmates impact all our lives. I think of former Sunday school teachers who helped me to grow in the Lord. The man who sent me a gift during my first year in Bible school that kept me from having to drop out for lack of funds. A friend who opened the door for me to enter the accounting profession. Professors who shared their knowledge and gave me wise counsel, and students who encouraged me with their nice notes and comments. And, my horizons have been expanded, and my heart challenged, by seeing people suffering in third world countries and meeting dedicated, caring individuals who are helping them improve their lives.

Chance encounters

At the same time, my life has also been richly blessed by people I have simply met “along the way,” such as the lady in my town who ran a small ministry out of her home. When she was a young teenage shortly before the start of World War II, she and her sister had signed up to be pen pals with two girls in Europe. They exchanged their first letters, but when the Germans invaded Holland shortly thereafter, they received no further correspondence. A few years later, they learned that one of their pen pals had been Anne Frank, the young Jewish girl whose family hid from the Nazi’s before being killed in the holocaust. Anne Frank’s story was later told in the book, “The Diary of a Young Girl,” and subsequently made into a movie, “The Diary of Anne Frank.” In later years, this lady became a good friend of Bob Pierce, founder of World Vision, and helped him start Samaritan’s Purse. She never became famous or well-known, but she has served the Lord faithfully for many years, and is a wonderful inspiration to all who know her.

Another interesting person I met was an older gentleman who was very humble and simply reminded me of someone’s grandfather. As I got to know him, however, I learned that in his younger years, he had been song leader for Billy Sunday, the famous evangelist. It was fascinating to hear him talk about his experiences, people he had known, and how God had led him through both happy and difficult times.

A similar occasion occurred in the church we attended when our daughter was in high school. One of the members was a lovely woman who had been raised in the South. In talking with her one day, she shared that while growing up, she and her family had been very close friends with a family by the name of Graham. You’ve probably already guessed it. Her family had been close friends with Billy Graham’s family, and she had even taught one of Billy’s younger sisters in Sunday school. Again, it was wonderful to hear her share stories about her life and, as an added blessing, a few years later her grandson married my daughter.

Unexpected blessings

I could go on and on, but I’m sure you get the point. Everyone you meet is a special person in God’s sight, and you never know what experiences they have had or what God may have done (or will do) through their lives. Also, you can’t tell what impact they may have on your life, or vice versa. Learn to value people and, where appropriate, get to know them. Hebrews 13:2 tells us to “be not forgetful to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” So be kind to others. Even if they aren’t angels (you will never know), you may still receive a wonderful blessing in doing so.

One of my deepest regrets is that I didn’t realize this truth earlier. Surely I have missed out on many blessings because of this and, who knows, I might even have entertained an angel or two along the way.

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