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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Track and field team exhibits impressive performance at last chance qualifier

Danielle Gomes competes at Biola's first-ever home meet on Jan. 31.  Photo by Mike Villa
This week the red hot Biola track and field team returned to action at the Azusa Pacific Last Chance Qualifier on Friday and Saturday. For some it was just that – a final opportunity to qualify for the upcoming NAIA Indoor Championships. For some, it was merely a tune-up. Regardless, the Eagles still put forth an impressive showing.
February 25, 2009
This week the red hot Biola track and field team returned to action at the Azusa Pacific Last Chance Qualifier on Friday and Saturday. For some it was just that – a final opportunity to qualify for the upcoming NAIA Indoor Championships. For some, it was merely a tune-up. Regardless, the Eagles still put forth an impressive showing.

The right to discuss contract

The only thing barring my way from this Friday night relaxation is Biola’s community standards, known more commonly as “The Contract.”
February 23, 2009
The only thing barring my way from this Friday night relaxation is Biola’s community standards, known more commonly as “The Contract.”

Boyfriend material

If there’s one thing I’ve always known about myself, it’s that I don’t make for great boyfriend material.
February 23, 2009
If there’s one thing I’ve always known about myself, it’s that I don’t make for great boyfriend material.

YouTube Clip of the week: Kittens inspired by kittens

Enjoy this week's top video pick.
A young girl gives a guided tour through a kitten picture book.
February 23, 2009
A young girl gives a guided tour through a kitten picture book.

Homecoming kicks off with Sweethearts Banquet (VIDEO)

Biola hosted a Sweethearts Dinner Friday night to celebrate all alumni who ended up with their "ring by spring" while attending here. Eagle Vision interviews some of the couples at the event, which is a part of homecoming weekend festivities.
February 21, 2009
Biola hosted a Sweethearts Dinner Friday night to celebrate all alumni who ended up with their "ring by spring" while attending here. Eagle Vision interviews some of the couples at the event, which is a part of homecoming weekend festivities.

Say Yes! responds to need for Christian community development in skid row (Video)

Biola student Haley Rocha uses the class time at the S.A.Y.  Yes! tutoring center to read a story to Richard, who is one of many elementary-aged children involved in the daily program. S.A.Y. stands for Saving America’s Youth. Photo by Kelsey Heng
Launching in 1994, Say Yes! has grown exponentially over the years in response to the need for Christian community development on skid row.
February 19, 2009
Launching in 1994, Say Yes! has grown exponentially over the years in response to the need for Christian community development on skid row.

Spanish major no longer offered

The Spanish major will no longer be offered at Biola due to credential shortcomings within the modern language department.
February 19, 2009
The Spanish major will no longer be offered at Biola due to credential shortcomings within the modern language department.

The joy of owning a cat

There are many joys in owning an animal, but there are far many more joys in watching that animal find itself in embarrassing and confusing situations and then watch it try to free itself. I think it's safe to say that I have learned more from Stiggy than he has ever learned from me, and although all that really means is that Stiggy is one incredibly stupid animal, it also means that I have learned from that stupidity and am now a better person because of it.
February 17, 2009
There are many joys in owning an animal, but there are far many more joys in watching that animal find itself in embarrassing and confusing situations and then watch it try to free itself. I think it's safe to say that I have learned more from Stiggy than he has ever learned from me, and although all that really means is that Stiggy is one incredibly stupid animal, it also means that I have learned from that stupidity and am now a better person because of it.

Do denominations destroy the unity of the body of Christ?

Splintering congregations in recent years has made the question of whether denominations destroy the unity of the Church one of crucial relevance. If Christ is the center of our faith and we base our lives on relationship rather than religion, should denominations matter?
February 17, 2009
Splintering congregations in recent years has made the question of whether denominations destroy the unity of the Church one of crucial relevance. If Christ is the center of our faith and we base our lives on relationship rather than religion, should denominations matter?

Surviving the tests of women

**Q**: “So I like this girl, and she may know it. However, I keep getting these funny remarks from her that sometimes sound like she’s making fun of me or just playing around. I can’t figure out what in the world is going on. Any help?”
February 16, 2009
**Q**: “So I like this girl, and she may know it. However, I keep getting these funny remarks from her that sometimes sound like she’s making fun of me or just playing around. I can’t figure out what in the world is going on. Any help?”

Time to create a new image

My fellow conservatives and brave Republicans, there have been some tragic election losses in the past few years, in Congress mainly because of corruption and scandals, and in the presidential election for many reasons. But fear not! Now is a unique time in history when we have the opportunity to recreate our tarnished image.
February 16, 2009
My fellow conservatives and brave Republicans, there have been some tragic election losses in the past few years, in Congress mainly because of corruption and scandals, and in the presidential election for many reasons. But fear not! Now is a unique time in history when we have the opportunity to recreate our tarnished image.

AS skating night (video)

AS hosted this year's ice skating night at the Eastwest Ice Palace Thursday, Feb 12.   Photo by Bethany Cissel
Associated Students hosted a night of disco ice skating for students last week. Check out the video for a closer look at the off-campus event.
February 15, 2009
Associated Students hosted a night of disco ice skating for students last week. Check out the video for a closer look at the off-campus event.