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SGA Rundown: New statement of liberal arts and self-care

Senators brainstormed ways students could be heard through Biola’s new philosophy.
SGA Rundown: New statement of liberal arts and self-care

As senators gathered for their bi-weekly meeting, they welcomed Dean of Core Curriculum Cherry McCabe and Student Government Association advisor Sandy Hough to discuss student voices and resources around campus. 


McCabe opened the meeting by introducing senators to Biola’s new statement on Liberal Arts philosophy. She shared the document with senators, though the full statement is still not introduced on Biola’s website yet. 

She asked SGA to help her and the other faculty involved to share the importance of a core curriculum to current and previous students. SGA president Keren Godwin suggested bolding and italicizing the most important sentences so that reading the document is easier and more cohesive for students. 

McCabe noted all the suggestions and explained that the statement will be having a soft launch until Fall 2021 when it will come out officially to all students. 


Alongside Hough, Godwin also updated senators on the university’s plans to introduce students to better self-care resources. The two explained that the President’s Administrative Council is working on better infrastructure for students to be able to access whatever help they may need throughout the school year.

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Maria Weyne
Maria Weyne, News Editor
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