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Eagles phase back to their nest for Spring 2021

As the spring semester commences, students prepare to return to a now virus-regulated campus.
Eagles phase back to their nest for Spring 2021

On Dec. 10, President Barry Corey announced that students would finally begin moving back onto campus in an email. Corey listed three phases in which students would be able to move into on-campus housing.


Phase one allows NCAA athletes and pre-approved students to move back onto campus throughout the month of January.

Phase two, beginning in February, will allow students in specifically designated courses outlined by the State of California’s essential workforce list. These include any course that needs to be placed on campus or depends on any campus facilities.

Phase three allows any student that wishes to return to campus to do so, although details regarding housing cost are still unclear. This phase also means the campus will reopen for students to visit, eat and attend certain classes.


In conjunction with pre-approved students, Residence Life has been tasked with returning to campus and welcoming athletes and other students into their new dorms. Many sports teams have been separated into their own floors in Hope Hall, while other students have been relocated to both Block and Bluff apartments. 

Senior history major Michael Bagatourian explained he and his team moved to Hope hall after winter break, and that although it is a different dorm, their restrictions remain the same. Athletes have to wear masks at all times, even while at practice, maintain social distancing when capable and are tested weekly. 

Junior business major Andrew Burdick added that even though there are some nuances to being a resident advisor, it all feels like business as usual. 

“Besides having to wear a mask all the time and not being in each other’s rooms it is kind of like things are normal,” Burdick said. 

He added that amenities are closed, and bathrooms look different as every other sink and stall is closed for social distancing purposes. Additionally, students are required to wear a mask to the bathroom unless showering or brushing their teeth. 

Additionally, the Caf remains open with reduced hours and seating. Students are welcome to be on campus and eat with one another while maintaining a safe social distance. 

Although things are slowly returning to normal, students are still required to get COVID-19 tests every other week to ensure the overall safety of those present on campus. Masks must be worn at all times unless eating or drinking. Social distancing rules are to be observed at all times and no visitors are allowed into dorms or rooms.

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About the Contributor
Maria Weyne
Maria Weyne, News Editor
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