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SGA Rundown: Senators revisit SGA positions and athletic boosters

Senate adds auxiliary positions and promotes spring athletics.
SGA Rundown: Senators revisit SGA positions and athletic boosters

After staging a Leisure Lounge event on Wednesday and debriefing from their attendance at Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation conference last weekend, Student Government Association spent their last meeting before spring break proposing new auxiliary positions and addressing a spring athletic proposal that aims to involve students in athletic events.


After tabling last week’s discussion to create a position of videographer, Sigma Hall senator Seth Gladysz and Hart Hall senator Noah Love worked with Off Campus Community senator Jordan Wright to reword their proposal for the position to be less vague. Wright said that his concerns with the previous wording of the proposal were fixed with the revised wording.

Gladysz, Love and Wright changed the position of videographer from a fixed position to an auxiliary position. This means that the videographer will not be required to attend senate meetings. Instead, the role will assist or help with SGA needs via the executive board’s discretion.

Wright motioned to pass the proposal for auxiliary positions and OCC senator Naomi Hidalgo seconded the motion. The motion passed 8-0-3, with Love, Gladysz and Bluff senator Alissa Jones abstaining.


Stewart Hall senator Kylie Dillon and block senator Gabe Plendcio, in collaboration with assistant athletic director Neil Morgan, revised the proposal for athletic boosters that was addressed in last week’s meeting.

Changes to the proposal included replacing the 200 miniature baseball bats for baseball games with cowbells that could potentially be used at all athletic events. The initial proposal was for $1,410, but the revised proposal only cost $950.87 due to the different equipment. The proposal still included funding for 100 Biola-branded sunglasses for softball games and a picnic barbecue at a tennis match.

Hope Hall senator Gabby Morris said that the proposal was a great way for SGA to get involved with the athletic program, and appeal to students that are involved in athletics at Biola. Additionally, Wright appreciated the change from miniature baseball bats to cowbells, because they are more versatile and work well with other sports.

Hidalgo motioned to approve the spring athletic proposal for $950.87 and Wright seconded the motion. The proposal passed 10-0-1, with Dillon abstaining.

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About the Contributor
Amanda Frese
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor
Amanda Frese is a senior journalism major who sends too many exclamation points in all of her texts and loves to make coffee. [email protected] Studying journalism at Biola University has given me so many opportunities — I don’t even know where to start. I took classes on magazine writing and public affairs reporting. I interned at the Borgen Project, Pan de Vida and H3R Magazine. I studied in Quito, Ecuador for a semester. I learned about my voice not only as a journalist, but as a person, and how to connect with people.  As a senior this year, looking back at my experience at Biola, I remember writing my first article for The Chimes. Thinking that my article was perfect, I submitted it and soon received copious edits from the editors who published it. The Chimes, since my first article, has taught me the importance of growing, adapting and learning from every experience. Whether it is my relationships with my roommates and friends, travelling to a place that feels unfamiliar or interviewing someone for an article, the Chimes taught me the importance of entering into these opportunities with a desire to learn.   This year I am excited to be the managing editor for the Chimes. I look forward to continuing to grow as I serve the Chimes staff and the Biola community in this position.
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