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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: Senators revisit SGA positions and athletic boosters

SGA Rundown: Senators revisit SGA positions and athletic boosters
Senate adds auxiliary positions and promotes spring athletics.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor February 28, 2019

After staging a Leisure Lounge event on Wednesday and debriefing from their attendance at Student Congress on Racial Reconciliation conference last weekend, Student Government Association spent their last meeting before spring break proposing new auxiliary positions and addressing a spring athletic proposal...

Senate considers past and new proposals

Senate considers past and new proposals
Senators revisit a tabled proposal from last week in addition to three new proposals.
Isabelle Thompson, Business Manager February 22, 2019

This week, senators focused their attention on a proposal for adding coordinator and controller positions to the Student Government Association staff, providing students with academic planners as well as boosting athletic spirit. SGA president Sierra McCoy also laid out further plans for the SGA remodel....