Lost at the Emmys

THE REEL STORY: “Mad Men” and “Modern Family” win big at the Emmys while “Lost” loses out.
Lost at the Emmys

Flowing dresses and black and white tuxedos littered the red carpet of Hollywood Sunday for the 62nd primetime Emmys. Television stars of such shows such as “Glee” and “Mad Men” didn’t hold back in showing their fashion statements. Looking at the glamorous dresses, I admit to having a sudden urge to try on each and every single one of them. The beautiful Sofia Vergara, of NBC’s “Modern Family” carried herself with elegance as always in a stunning golden number…if only my hair would miraculously flow in the wind with such blinding shine…

Jimmy Fallon hosted this year’s show sprinkling in some funny (and some not) jokes. I think the former SNL star did a rather decent job of introducing certain celebrities and actors, yet, strumming a guitar about the category of ‘Drama’ and slapping a woman after she had insulted his talent was definitely not needed…

Overlooking the generally cheesy aspects of the night, the awards moments themselves were absolutely worth sitting through the awkward moments. I love seeing people’s surprised expressions (who doesn’t?) and when a genuine person wins an award they never saw coming, it truly brightens my day. When actress Edie Falco, best known for her work on “Nurse Jackie,” won Best Actress in a Comedy, her reaction was truly heart warming. As she searched for the words to spill out onto the microphone in front of her, she breathlessly replied, ”Oh this is just the most ridiculous thing that has ever, ever happened in the history of this lovely awards show.” Seeing actors truly care about the awards they receive never fails to inspire me.

It’s like when you were a kid and you were awarded the “Student of the Month”. You felt honored, respected, known and most importantly, appreciated for all of the hard work it took you to make that sheep from your handprint. At least, I did! I mean, come on, that shading on the legs was no easy task! When widely respected awards are bestowed upon someone unsuspecting, it’s wonderful to see that person uplifted, even if for a moment, and to see the self-worth that gleams a little bit brighter within their eyes.

Unfortunately for the creators of “Lost,” no such recognition was given. Being a hardcore “Lost” fan, I was significantly bugged that no one tipped a hat to the complexity of the Island on Sunday. I spent six years, count ‘em, SIX years of investing blood, sweat and tears (yes, all of that time traveling actually did give me a nose bleed). Many sleepless nights thinking about tormented John Locke and hoping that he would one day find the answers he was so desperately searching for. I cared enough to shout encouragements at Jack when he was facing some intense doubting about his purpose on the Island! Being a ‘Lost’ fan was no easy task and I wish that us ‘Lost’-ies would at least have gotten the privilege of saying that the show was awarded at least something for all of its twists and turns. Somehow, the Academy had a different idea….

Why do you think ‘Lost’ didn’t get any love at the Emmys this year? Leave your comment below (and hardcore fans, I’m on your side, but don’t be too mean to those who simply don’t have a clue.)

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Lost at the Emmys