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Students battle campus Internet

Despite the information technology department’s efforts, Biola’s Wi-Fi continues to provide connectivity issues for students on campus.
| Tomber Su/THE CHIMES
| Tomber Su/THE CHIMES

Despite the information technology department's efforts, Biola's Wi-Fi continues to provide connectivity issues for students on campus. | Tomber Su/THE CHIMES


Biola's information technology department continues to improve campus internet connectivity, although students continue to face problems.

Last summer, IT implemented a new plan in Stewart and Sigma, staggering the access points near the doors to allow the signal to reach further into students’ rooms and provide faster speed and room for more devices. The IT department updated access points in other residence halls but has yet to stagger them, said Scott Himes, director of network operations. The goal is to finish other residence halls by the summer of 2015. The campus had less than 20 access points in 2003 as compared to the current 700.


This past summer, the IT department doubled the amount of devices that can connect to Biola’s internet bandwidth. At present, two separate services combine for a total of 1.5 gigabits of Internet bandwidth. Highwinds has provided service on campus since 2011, and Biola added Time Warner Cable Business Class in June 2014.

With students bringing more than two to three devices with them on campus, the IT department constantly upgrades their systems and connections to meet the standards for the year. On an average weekday, 6000 to 6500 devices can connect to Biola’s Wi-Fi at its peak, Himes said.

However, depending on how taxed Biola’s Wi-Fi connection becomes throughout the day, the issue might not always lie with the connection, but with the computer or even the website itself.

“It’s always easy to blame the network but it’s generally more complicated than that and we need to dig in and find out what’s going on here,” Himes said.

A variety of issues can create a conflicting bandwidth that competes with Biola’s Internet, including students installing their own wireless routers and wireless printers, Himes said.


Despite IT’s efforts to solve Wi-Fi issues, students still face struggles with connection. In addition, it seems to some students that the problems continue to increase.

“I never thought it was great, but I didn’t…complain about it,” said senior psychology major Jessica Sanchez, ”This past week it’s been really bad.”

Some students find that their issues heighten in a particular location such as their residence halls.

“It’s on and off in Sigma, and I don’t like it. In seconds it’ll log me out and I have to log back in but then I have to log back in with the Biola Wi-Fi so it’s a hassle.” said Cecilia Moua, sophomore biological sciences major.

Residence halls other than Stewart and Sigma have issues with connectivity, though not all students find themselves struggling with it.

“The Wi-Fi’s been good. It’s not fast, but I mean, it’s fast enough,” said Monica Butler, junior psychology major.

Other students excuse the issues and understand that with so many students on campus, the network is bound to have problems.

Even with Biola’s IT department working hard to correct the issue and add more access points, other students feel as if it’s not enough.

“I expected it since there’s so many people on campus but I think last year and this year are the same,” said Izzy Disarufino, sophomore intercultural studies major.


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