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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Chimes News Quiz

Chimes News Quiz
Have you been following our coverage? Brush up on the biggest news stories of the past two weeks.
Julianna Foster, Staff Writer November 13, 2021

Construction on La Mirada and Rosecrans delayed, city says

Road work located on La Mirada Boulevard, next to Biola University.
Water-saving medians on the two streets just outside of Biola will be completed in late November.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor September 9, 2019

The construction project responsible for lane closures and congestion on Rosecrans Avenue and La Mirada Boulevard will continue for most of the semester. Median construction has been delayed due to digging complications, according to La Mirada Public Works Director Mark Stowell. The two streets stand...

The URB-E scoots on campus

Photo by Thecla Li/ THE CHIMES
A student's purchase of the new vehicle generated interesting reactions and a dive into the Risk Management rulebook.
Micah Kim, Managing Editor January 23, 2019

With limited approved options for transportation on Biola’s campus, the URB-E has caught some attention for its unique hybrid of scooter and bike powered by an electric battery. THE URB-E TREND Senior philosophy major Melissa Sugeng brought the URB-E to campus in May of 2017, sharing in a trend that...

Watch out for those scooters!

Photo Courtesy of
People on electric scooters have run into a number of injuries in Southern California.
Preet Christian, Freelance Writer November 15, 2018

Lime and Bird electric scooters are popping up around Southern California. These rent-and-go scooters are mostly used around SoCal beaches but have more recently made their way into the city of Los Angeles. Recently, the LA City Council put regulations on Lime and Bird scooters, including a 15 miles...

Holiday housing presents a Christmas gift

Caitlin Gaines/THE CHIMES
Students can stay on campus for free during winter break.
Victoria Chiang, Copy Editor October 23, 2017
Students can stay on campus for free during winter break.

Measure M will move L.A. forward
Proposed 0.5 cent sales tax increase to expand public transportation.
Tim Seeberger, Writer September 28, 2016
Proposed 0.5 cent sales tax increase to expand public transportation.

Cycling deserves its popularity
Using a bicycle for transportation could solve a variety of urban problems.
Justin Yun, Writer November 17, 2015
Using a bicycle for transportation could solve a variety of urban problems.

Adventures by rail

Johnathan Burkhardt/THE CHIMES
Train routes explore destinations in various areas of California.
Jehn Kubiak, Writer November 4, 2015
Train routes explore destinations in various areas of California.

CarShare reduces rates for fall semesters

Johnathan Burkhardt/THECHIMES
The current fees reduced by a Nissan promotion will not be in effect during the spring 2016 semester.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 21, 2015
The current fees reduced by a Nissan promotion will not be in effect during the spring 2016 semester.

Uber provides convenient transit

Uber provides convenient transit
Sarah Pineda defends Uber and Lyft as viable forms of alternative transportation.
Sarah Pineda, Writer September 16, 2015
Sarah Pineda defends Uber and Lyft as viable forms of alternative transportation.

Riding solo

The Biola shuttle bus waits for passengers at its pick-up area south of the pool. | Ashleigh Fox/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Biola responds to students’ shuttle woes, hiring an additional driver to ensure weekend transportation off campus.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer December 1, 2014
Biola responds to students’ shuttle woes, hiring an additional driver to ensure weekend transportation off campus.