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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Money creates a YouTube Red Scare

YouTube users should be wary but optimistic of the new subscription service.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer March 1, 2016
YouTube users should be wary but optimistic of the new subscription service.

Step down from your social media platform

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Take caution when using social media as a PSA soapbox for personal or political opinions.
Melanie Kim, Writer February 23, 2016
Take caution when using social media as a PSA soapbox for personal or political opinions.

Instagram account showcases student photography

Photo courtesy of Biola Student Life
The Biola Student Life Instagram account allows users to enter a weekly photography contest judged by students and faculty from different disciplines.
Jehn Kubiak, Writer November 10, 2015
The Biola Student Life Instagram account allows users to enter a weekly photography contest judged by students and faculty from different disciplines.

Tech businesses must guard their users

Matthew Maitz/THE CHIMES
The burden of security lies with the company, not solely the individual.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer October 13, 2015
The burden of security lies with the company, not solely the individual.

Social media mirrors an online Hollywood

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
While the quest for fame remains the same, the path to achieve it is changing.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer October 6, 2015
While the quest for fame remains the same, the path to achieve it is changing.

Anonymous comments pierce performers

Screen shots taken from Biola Confessions Facebook page.
Negative feedback on Biola Confessions and Yik Yak disheartens members of chapel bands.
Angelene Wong, Writer December 2, 2014
Negative feedback on Biola Confessions and Yik Yak disheartens members of chapel bands.

Sharing means intimacy

Cherri Yoon/THE CHIMES
The majority of students feel comfortable sharing passwords with a significant other.
Jocelyn Meza, Writer November 18, 2014
The majority of students feel comfortable sharing passwords with a significant other.

Words from the wise: Living as the family of God

David Nystrom has accepted the position of provost and senior vice president. Nystrom will officially begin his new role Aug. 16, a little more than a week before the start of the 2010-2011 academic year.
Provost Dr. David Nystrom calls students to be cautious when using social media, and discourages any cruel or discriminatory behavior encouraged by the anonymity of these sites.
David Nystrom, Writer October 24, 2014
Provost Dr. David Nystrom calls students to be cautious when using social media, and discourages any cruel or discriminatory behavior encouraged by the anonymity of these sites.

How ice water can save lives or drown a campaign

| Aaron Fooks/THE CHIMES
Jenny Oetzell shares her views on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and questions the motives behind some of its participants.
Jenny Oetzell, Writer September 2, 2014
Jenny Oetzell shares her views on the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, and questions the motives behind some of its participants.