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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

You Should Go to a Protest

March for Dignity on the way to the Capital building in Downtown LA on Mar. 1, 2025
As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors. Protesting is one way to do that.
Ashley Newman, Staff Writer March 25, 2025

A few weeks ago, I attended a protest called “March for Dignity: Protect our Immigrant Siblings” attended by faith communities committed to the protection of immigrants. As I walked amongst the people of faith, their love and fervor for justice and mercy left an impression on me. As a Christian,...

The Bible teaches that racial differences are not cause for division

The Bible teaches that racial differences are not cause for division
Racial injustices push Christians to analyze a biblical perspective on diversity.
Caleb Britt, Staff Writer September 27, 2021

Shortly after the coronavirus shutdown on campus, students were exposed to the nationwide racial divide that broke out in the United States regarding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. Riots sparked throughout the nation, which resulted in even more casualties, such as the Capitol...

Alicia Keys does it again

Alicia Keys does it again
New album release “ALICIA” is moving, original and fresh.
Emily Coffey, Managing Editor September 22, 2020

Alicia Keys’ new album dropped on Friday and the 15-track work is genius, which was to be expected. Her career has featured R&B bops such as “No One,” “If I Ain’t Got You” and “Girl on Fire.” This album features tracks that speak into racial injustice, personal strength and a shifting...

Azusa Pacific University joins Biola for Gospel Fest

Azusa Pacific University joins Biola for Gospel Fest
The event promoted cultural awareness through afro-inspired gospel music.
Emily Coffey, Managing Editor February 14, 2020

Passion and joy filled Calvary Chapel this Thursday evening during Biola’s 35th annual Gospel Fest, themed “Breaking Through the Walls.” Intentionally scheduled during Black History Month, the two-hour chapel sought to expose audience members to gospel music to break through cultural and racial...

Salguero advocates for neighbors

Photo by Thecla Li / THE CHIMES
Speaker examines strangers and Christian hospitality in the context of Scripture.
Jana Eller, Office Manager October 11, 2018

In a packed Andrews Banquet Hall, Rev. Gabriel Salguero invited attendees to consider the question “Who is my neighbor?” in relation to immigrants, refugees and those who seem different from oneself. He began by explaining parts of his identity: born in New Jersey into a Puerto Rican family,...

Professors discuss social justice in light of the Gospel

Professors discuss social justice in light of the Gospel
Faculty members attempt to model healthy disagreements for students.
Jessica Brest, Freelance Writer October 8, 2018

Sociology professor Brad Christerson and biblical and theological studies professor Thaddeus Williams publicly discussed their differing viewpoints on how Christians should approach social justice in light of the Gospel on Oct. 3. President Barry Corey started these Duologues in the spring semester...

MacArthur’s Statement on Social Justice leaves Evangelical Christianity divided

John McArthur
Christians cannot hide behind the shadow of ambiguity—if we want social change we must name and respond to social evils.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor September 24, 2018

At the beginning of September, John MacArthur, president of The Master’s College, and several other Christian leaders released “The Statement on Social Justice and the Gospel”. MacArthur sought to address how Evangelical Christianity has frayed and fractured under the weight of secular social...

That Time I…joined the women’s march

"Jesus believes in women" sign
Marching in solidarity with other women brought to mind thoughts about the church and feminism.
Jessica Goddard, Features Editor January 23, 2018

I think I have always been a feminist—not the man-hating, bra-burning type, but the equality for all type. Even from my earliest years, I pushed back against those who called me subordinate to men in the eyes of God. I was ambitious, feisty and determined to do something great in my life, despite the...

“We Are Here”

Christians should acknowledge incarcerated women as deserving of human rights.
Ashley Brimmage, Writer October 31, 2017
Christians should acknowledge incarcerated women as deserving of human rights.

Hollywood diversifies the Oscars

Courtesy of
The Oscars progress in the direction of diversity but there is still a need for improvement.
Hannah Miller, Writer February 28, 2017
The Oscars progress in the direction of diversity but there is still a need for improvement.

Controversial conversations

Controversial conversations
Biola’s Sanctity of Life club looks to host Genocide Awareness Project’s pro-life display on campus in an effort to educate students on abortion.
Jenna Schmidt, Writer April 15, 2015
Biola’s Sanctity of Life club looks to host Genocide Awareness Project’s pro-life display on campus in an effort to educate students on abortion.