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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Biola welcomes AI

Image is AI generated using Stable Diffusion XL.
Biola’s new AI Lab had a soft opening during Biola Preview Day.
Natalie Fassnacht, News Editor March 19, 2024

On Feb. 29, a team of students banded together to create the AI Club. The club focuses on using Artificial Intelligence for good by helping students to think more creatively and expand their visions further. The event gave prospective and current students a chance to try an artificial intelligence chatbot,...

“Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul” Review

Sterling K. Brown stars in the recently released satirical comedy "Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul."
A surprisingly dark satire asks not what we should believe, but whom we should follow.
Brendan Peters, Staff Writer September 6, 2022

Very rarely do films touch on something that is real; instead, they often grasp at a caricature and hope an audience will latch on. The new film “Honk for Jesus” is, at first glance, a show that only scratches the surface of the complex relationship between scandal and religion but hidden beneath...

How to find wisdom in college

How to find wisdom in college
Gaining wisdom is beneficial and Biola’s community encourages this.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor March 25, 2022

“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere,” James 3:17 says. Everyone wants wisdom—the ability to make informed decisions and live freely without regret.  However, the pathway...

Christians should pursue the truth behind religious persecution

Christians should pursue the truth behind religious persecution
Christians must be globally minded and pray for the Uighur Muslims.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor February 5, 2020

Whenever I hear about religious persecution, I think of the days when the Nero and the Romans pursued early Christians or of Scottish martyrs being tied to a tree and drowned in rivers for their faith. While we all know that religious persecution is still a problem, we often do not know how bad persecution...

Journalism department hosts interfaith dialogue through “Newcomers to Neighbors”

Journalism students present their newly published book, “Newcomers to Neighbors.”
The book sheds light on the Middle Eastern immigrant’s experience in Southern California.
Stacy Rasmussen November 14, 2019

On Thursday afternoon in the Andrews Banquet Room, Biola students welcomed people of different ethnicities and religious backgrounds to open up a dialogue surrounding their newly finished book, “Newcomers to Neighbors.” BOOK RELEASE  A group of students worked for an entire semester on a book...

“Newcomers to Neighbors” starts conversation about Middle Eastern migrants

“Newcomers to Neighbors” starts conversation about Middle Eastern migrants
Journalism book launch seeks to bring awareness to the stories of refugees and immigrants from the Middle East.
Maria Weyne, News Editor May 2, 2019

Every other year, journalism students in the Media Narrative Project class work together to create a book. This year, students created “Newcomers to Neighbors,” in which they told the stories of Middle Eastern migrants, hoping to fight the stigma that comes with such designation. The book was launched...

Another Victorian Era of morality is upon us

Another Victorian Era of morality is upon us
Political correctness brings our century-long experiment with loose living full circle.
Brian Brooks, Freelance Writer April 6, 2019

An oft-repeated fable about the Victorian period suggests that members of English high society placed tablecloths over intricately carved table legs out of fear they would be considered too sexually evocative. Although this story is a myth, it exemplifies the widely-perceived—and to a certain extent...

Muslim club mourns New Zealand shooting

Muslim club mourns New Zealand shooting
The loss that came from the mass shooting proves to be a bigger obstacle for this group of students.
Thecla Li, Managing Editor March 22, 2019

On Friday, March 15, what was supposed to be a regular worship service turned into a horrifying 36 minutes of desperate calls to the police when a shooter took the lives of 50 individuals and injured 50 others at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The tragedy has seeped its way into Biola as students...

Profile: Amanda Beshay on Mormonism

Biola Mormon ministries encourage educational and relational approach.
Jessica Goddard, Writer September 12, 2017
Biola Mormon ministries encourage educational and relational approach.

American Christians perpetuate myth of American Exceptionalism
Students should ponder the effects of nationalism and religion in the Trump era.
Justin Yun, Writer May 4, 2017
Students should ponder the effects of nationalism and religion in the Trump era.

Equipping leaders to defend their faith

Biola Apologetics educates churches around the country.
Jana Eller, Office Manager March 1, 2017
Biola Apologetics educates churches around the country.

Symposium remembers Supreme Court Justice

Panel speaks on Scalia’s impacts and character.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief February 22, 2017
Panel speaks on Scalia’s impacts and character.