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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The people order back

Photo Courtesy of Biola Magazine
Affected groups lift their voices in response to recent executive motions.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer February 14, 2017
Affected groups lift their voices in response to recent executive motions.

Let the people protest
Anti-Trump protesters have the right to peacefully protest.
Tim Seeberger, Writer November 15, 2016
Anti-Trump protesters have the right to peacefully protest.

Trump wins election

After hours of deliberation, Donald Trump wins the nomination.
Rebecca Mitchell, Jana Eller, and Daisy Gonzalez November 8, 2016
After hours of deliberation, Donald Trump wins the nomination.

Hope in the election season

Courtesy of Hailey Braun
As the presidential election draws closer, students and faculty underline the importance of voting.
Kaelyn Timmins, Writer May 17, 2016
As the presidential election draws closer, students and faculty underline the importance of voting.

Voting matters

Tomber Su/THE CHIMES [file photo]
Biolans have a duty to vote for their student leaders as well as their state and national ones.
President Barry Corey, Writer February 10, 2016
Biolans have a duty to vote for their student leaders as well as their state and national ones.

Q&A with SGA’s first presidential team

Juniors Taylor Stribbling and Drew Mattocks join their victory party while receiving the election results from AS president Tyler Hormel. | Aaron Fooks/THE CHIMES [file photo]
The new Student Government Association’s first president and senior vice-president share in-depth goals for their newly acquired positions.
Dayna Drum, Writer February 25, 2015
The new Student Government Association’s first president and senior vice-president share in-depth goals for their newly acquired positions.

Stribbling/Mattocks and Brady Lee take SGA/SMU presidential elections

Juniors Taylor Stribbling and Drew Mattocks join their victory party while receiving the election results from AS president Tyler Hormel.  | Aaron Fooks/THE CHIMES
Taylor Stribbling and Drew Mattocks beat their opponents for the SGA presidential seat by 99 votes.
Dayna Drum, Writer February 19, 2015
Taylor Stribbling and Drew Mattocks beat their opponents for the SGA presidential seat by 99 votes.

Vote: Taylor Stribbling-Drew Mattocks

Taylor Stribbling and Drew Mattocks | Aaron Fooks/THE CHIMES
#StribblingMattocks is best equipped to lead Biola next year.
Joy Clarkson, Writer February 17, 2015
#StribblingMattocks is best equipped to lead Biola next year.

Vote: Matt Porter-Cat Dinius

Matt Porter and Catherine Dinius | Courtesy Matt Porter
#mattcat is the best team to lead our students into the future.
Leah Ellison, Writer February 17, 2015
#mattcat is the best team to lead our students into the future.