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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The woman behind the Special Olympics at Biola

Tennis coach Dee Henry instructs her athlete.
The Biola tennis courts serve as the ground for awareness and acceptance by welcoming challenged athletes.
Thecla Li, Managing Editor November 10, 2018

Coach Dee Henry is the former head of women’s tennis at Biola, a member of the board of directors for the Intercollegiate Tennis Association, still teaches undergraduate tennis PE courses and has worked with challenged athletes for over two decades, but at the center of all of that is simply a woman...

Our understanding of liberty guides our future

Our understanding of liberty guides our future
A choice between liberty and freedom will define the success of our future.
Peter Rothermel VI March 13, 2018

Today, we find our society in a war between liberty and freedom, permeating every level of our society.  How this war ends will define the course of our nation. This war not only implicates the nation, but also the American church. If the church chooses to understand the freedom of Christ to mean we...

Soaring Stories: a heart for God

Anna Vollema
Anna Vollema desires to know God above all else.
Caitlin Blackmon, Features Apprentice January 30, 2018

Q: WHAT IS YOUR NAME, YEAR AND MAJOR? A: Anna Vollema, grad student, double Masters in New Testament and a Masters in Old Testament. Q: HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN THREE WORDS? A: 1. Passionate Free-spirited Scatterbrained Q: WHAT ARE YOU PASSIONATE ABOUT? WHAT DO YOU LOVE DOING? A:...

Passion and emotion in klezmer music

Caitlin Blackmon/THE CHIMES
Gould brings clarinet talents to Biola’s Crowell Hall.
Isabella Tkachuk, Writer September 27, 2017
Gould brings clarinet talents to Biola’s Crowell Hall.

Soaring Stories: passions in psychology

Julianna Hernandez/THE CHIMES
Sarah Rongey shares her interests and future goals.
Julianna Hernandez, News Editor (Spring 2019) September 18, 2017
Sarah Rongey shares her interests and future goals.

Passionate students persevere

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
Work stops being work when students pursue their passions.
Alison Hartzler, Writer March 8, 2017
Work stops being work when students pursue their passions.