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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Attempted book banning narrowly infringes on the First Amendment

Attempted book banning narrowly infringes on the First Amendment
Educational reform through book censorship fails to accomplish goals.
Caleb Britt, Staff Writer November 15, 2021

Recently, parents spoke out against controversial books in their children’s classrooms. Whether for or against the integration of books that offer different perspectives on historical struggles of people groups, all sides are passionate over what is considered necessary for education.  With elections...

Americans need to re-evaluate the concept of political discourse

Americans need to re-evaluate the concept of political discourse
A lack of healthy political discourse among Biolans and the United States prevents understanding and tolerance.
Adam Pigott, Staff Writer January 15, 2020

Recently, Time magazine announced that Greta Thunberg was its person of the year for 2019. President Donald Trump responded to the nomination with his disapproval via Twitter.  “So ridiculous,” he wrote. “Greta must work on her anger management problem, then go to a good old fashioned movie...

Censorship at Liberty University deprives students of a well-rounded education

Perez Hall, located on lower campus, is home to what will now be a single Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication.
The Jerry Falwell situation demonstrates the pitfalls of silencing student voices.
Amanda Frese, Managing Editor September 11, 2019

Student journalists at Liberty University have been silenced. Last summer, The Washington Post reported that administrators at the university, under the leadership of President Jerry Falwell, have censored journalists at Liberty’s student newspaper The Liberty Champion by interfering with coverage,...

Alabama megachurch blurs line between church and state
Briarwood Presbyterian Church should reconsider establishing their own police department.
Justin Yun, Writer May 3, 2017
Briarwood Presbyterian Church should reconsider establishing their own police department.

Journalism ensures progress and free speech

Eliana Park/THE CHIMES
The press is threatened by Trump administration.
Lucas Weaver, Writer March 2, 2017
The press is threatened by Trump administration.

Religious liberty needs constitutional defense
SB1146 reminds Christians the importance of continuing the debate on religious freedom.
Jason Muehlhoff, Writer November 29, 2016
SB1146 reminds Christians the importance of continuing the debate on religious freedom.