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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

SGA Rundown: proposed budget cuts for SMU, SMB, SGA and Campus Engagement

SGA Rundown: proposed budget cuts for SMU, SMB, SGA and Campus Engagement
Senators vote on amendment proposal, push financial vote to next week and hear updates on the fall semester.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer April 24, 2020

The Student Government Association met on Thursday to hear from a representative from the Student Media Board and to vote on President Renee Waller’s proposal regarding the financial controller position. 1% PROPOSED CUT Journalism professor Michael Longinow visited the meeting to discuss the proposal...

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss constitutional amendment

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss constitutional amendment
Senators heard about a service opportunity and an internal proposal.
Sophia Silvester, Staff Writer April 17, 2020

Thursday’s Student Government Association meeting was held over Zoom, allowing senators to set a variety of creative backgrounds, from a picture of baby Yoda to the Golden Gate Bridge.  OPERATION GRATITUDE President Renee Waller opened the meeting by encouraging senators to participate in an at-home...