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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Politics Rundown: Private citizens apply to sponsor Afghan refugees

Politics Rundown: Private citizens apply to sponsor Afghan refugees
Biden lays out plan to link refugee families with communities.
Hannah Larson, Freelance Writer October 26, 2021

The Biden administration unveiled the new Sponsor Circle Program designed to train Americans who apply to sponsor Afghan refugees. Under this plan, the State Department certifies groups of at least five adults after they successfully pass knowledge and background checks, present a refugee welcome plan...

Students present the past

Madison Beardsley's old photo
Three current students share their family’s stories about their time at Biola.
Julianna Hernandez, Staff Writer December 5, 2017

Biola has many traditions and much history to its name. Families have also made Biola a tradition—generations of families have attended Biola and still do so today. Students here today represent their families, God and Biola in general. Students with multiple generations of Biolans represent their...

Immigration executive order explained

Trump works to place restrictions on immigration into the United States.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer February 14, 2017
Trump works to place restrictions on immigration into the United States.

Graduation changes bring new design

Graduation changes bring new design
Fall commencement comes with new ceremony structure.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer December 6, 2016
Fall commencement comes with new ceremony structure.