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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Slight enrollment increase sparks hope

Nichole Langon/THE CHIMES
University has first uptick in years despite overall loss of undergraduate students.
Christian Leonard, Writer October 4, 2017
University has first uptick in years despite overall loss of undergraduate students.

The church splits on opinions and options

Cassidy Eldridge/THE CHIMES
Students no longer have to claim a denomination to register for classes, despite demographic curiosity.
Samantha Gassaway, Writer April 12, 2017
Students no longer have to claim a denomination to register for classes, despite demographic curiosity.

Biola tests incoming students’ GPA

Stephen Frederick/THE CHIMES
Administration pilots a program to eliminate SAT and ACT test scores.
Jana Eller, Writer March 15, 2017
Administration pilots a program to eliminate SAT and ACT test scores.

Enrollment shortfall causes budget cuts

Stephen Frederick/THE CHIMES
Student headcount for spring semester falls 120 short, forcing personnel to take a pay cut.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer March 1, 2017
Student headcount for spring semester falls 120 short, forcing personnel to take a pay cut.

Student enrollment slightly declines

Infographic by Jose Flores/ THE CHIMES
With students graduating faster, enrollment decreases by a small fraction.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer September 20, 2016
With students graduating faster, enrollment decreases by a small fraction.

Admissions see rise in applicants

Infographic by Sean Leone/THE CHIMES
With a rise in scholarships, applicants climbed 15 percent compared to last year.
Alondra Urizar, Writer April 20, 2016
With a rise in scholarships, applicants climbed 15 percent compared to last year.

Lower enrollment affects budget

SGA Logo
Spring enrollment is at 3,850 students, causing $18,000 to be moved from contingency to the SGA budget.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer March 22, 2016
Spring enrollment is at 3,850 students, causing $18,000 to be moved from contingency to the SGA budget.

Class closures open opportunity for arranged option

Infographic by Sean Leone/THE CHIMES
Courses in Arabic, Russian and Swahili closure due to an increase in class size minimum guidelines.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer February 24, 2016
Courses in Arabic, Russian and Swahili closure due to an increase in class size minimum guidelines.

Event proposals pass

SGA Logo
Senators pass three proposals and gain more information about the Enterprise CarShare program and changes in enrollment.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer October 11, 2015
Senators pass three proposals and gain more information about the Enterprise CarShare program and changes in enrollment.

Undergrad enrollment decreases

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
Biola’s enrollment has decreased for the first time in six years.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer September 16, 2015
Biola’s enrollment has decreased for the first time in six years.