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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Construction on La Mirada and Rosecrans delayed, city says

Road work located on La Mirada Boulevard, next to Biola University.
Water-saving medians on the two streets just outside of Biola will be completed in late November.
Brittany Ung, Web Editor September 9, 2019

The construction project responsible for lane closures and congestion on Rosecrans Avenue and La Mirada Boulevard will continue for most of the semester. Median construction has been delayed due to digging complications, according to La Mirada Public Works Director Mark Stowell. The two streets stand...

Downpour loosens watertight schedule

The science center’s water tight milestone has been pushed from March 14 to April 15 due to rain.
Daisy Gonzalez, Writer April 12, 2017
The science center’s water tight milestone has been pushed from March 14 to April 15 due to rain.

Floodgates of heaven rain down

Cassidy Eldridge/THE CHIMES
Over interterm, campus receives major amounts of rain.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer February 14, 2017
Over interterm, campus receives major amounts of rain.

Climate change is now permanent

Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
The major effects of global warming are now irreversible.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 11, 2016
The major effects of global warming are now irreversible.

Biola celebrates Christmas with tree lighting

Marika Adamopoulos/THE CHIMES
Due to California’s drought, Biola chose to use a phone app instead of wax candles.
Jana Eller, Office Manager December 1, 2015
Due to California’s drought, Biola chose to use a phone app instead of wax candles.

El Niño causes concerns

El Niño causes concerns
Biola plans for possible flooding and other problems associated with El Niño weather patterns.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer November 2, 2015
Biola plans for possible flooding and other problems associated with El Niño weather patterns.

Campus renovations contribute to state success

Infographic by Emily Hayashida/THE CHIMES
University water stewardship parallels California in improved efficiency.
Hannah Wagner, Writer October 7, 2015
University water stewardship parallels California in improved efficiency.

We must rise to survive the drought
Awareness will bring us together with our local community.
Allison Schuster, Writer May 5, 2015
Awareness will bring us together with our local community.

Take action against severe water crises

Amy McKeever, freshman communication disorders major and Stefanie Van Schooten, business administration freshman carry water jugs in order to spread awareness about the water crisis in Africa. Speakers, students and organizations communicate about missions and spreading the Gospel. | Molli Kaptein/THE CHIMES
Raise awareness of droughts occurring worldwide and at home.
Breigha Sawyer, Writer March 24, 2015
Raise awareness of droughts occurring worldwide and at home.

A drought of awareness in California

Infographic by Angelica Abalos/THE CHIMES
Biola addresses California’s persistent drought issues through various campus adjustments.
Alondra Urizar, Writer February 24, 2015
Biola addresses California’s persistent drought issues through various campus adjustments.

Ice Bucket Challenge Makes Waves on Campus

Sophomore David Grieg dumps a bucket of ice water on junior Noah Schrader outside Horton Hall. | Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Students share their views regarding the ALS ice bucket challenge.
Torie Hamilton, Writer September 3, 2014
Students share their views regarding the ALS ice bucket challenge.