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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

How do universities foster diverse student bodies?

Biola University’s Admissions Welcome Center is located in Metzger Hall.
A look at Biola’s recruitment strategies in a post-affirmative action nation
Thomas Rahkola, Staff Writer January 22, 2025

On Thursday, June 29, 2023 the Supreme Court ruled affirmative action unconstitutional, overturning decades of college admissions precedent. Now, many people nationwide wonder about the future of diversity in higher education. Biola has its own goals for diversity that are rooted in its beliefs as a...

An Open Letter to the Office of the President

Cutting the Diversity and Inclusion Division was a Mistake
Ashley Newman, Staff Writer January 17, 2025

Over the summer, Biola decided to cut the Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) division as a result of the rampant budget cuts happening all over campus. In the email sent to all of campus on June 4. 2024, the President’s Office stated this change and that, “we will be strengthening our biblical mission...

Diversity director Glen Kinoshita departs from Biola

Kinoshita leaves Biola after 31 years.
Faculty, staff and alumni honor SCORR founder.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief February 3, 2023

On Feb. 1, faculty gathered in Metzger Hall’s Lehman Board Room for a farewell ceremony to honor Dr. Glen Kinoshita, the director of diversity education and training. Professors, alumni and visitors filled the room as the Division of Diversity and Inclusion thanked Kinoshita for his three decades of...

SGA Rundown: Survey effectiveness and Senate responsibilities

The new SGA logo
Potential collaborations prompt discussion on senators' abilities to amplify voices.
Phoebe Vrable, News Editor October 27, 2022

Director of Campus Engagement Sunroot Liu spoke about multiple needs he would like the Student Government Association to address, including an updated gym, more resources for global students, new scanners for malfunctioning doors in the Student Union Building and an expanded Collegium space.  Many...

Usual Suspects dance crew dances through Sola Soul and Torrey Conference

Usual Suspects dance crew energizes the crowd at Sola Soul.
Usual Suspects continues to grow and gain momentum as they defy misconceptions of dance by bringing in diversity and unity to campus.
Fashion Castillo-Delgadillo, Arts & Entertainment Editor October 7, 2022

A previously taboo topic at Biola changed how students worship and bring diversity to campus. Kickstarting at Sola Soul during the 2021 Torrey Conference last year, the Usual Suspects dance crew introduced a new perspective on how students can perform in a God-honoring way.  FOUNDING OF USUAL SUSPECTS Emily...

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss diversity and deliberate proposal

SGA Rundown: Senators discuss diversity and deliberate proposal
Horton senator Liz Kim proposes a ping pong table and Chief Ojeisekhoba announces new safety practices.
Phoebe Vrable, News Editor September 29, 2022

This week’s meeting for the Student Government Association opened with a presentation from diversity coordinator Isaiah Swasey about interacting with students from diverse cultures.  “About 30% of Biola’s population are students from diverse backgrounds,” Swasey said. “Knowing how to interact...

Biola community celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month

Fiesta Latina celebrates Hispanic culture through song and dance.
The Hispanic Conference and Fiesta Latina festivities honor Latin nations represented on campus.
Dalet Valles, Editor-in-Chief September 26, 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month began on Sept. 15, and Biola has made an effort at honoring all the diverse Latin countries represented on campus. Each year, Biola has celebrated this month from Sept. 15–Oct. 15.  “Each year we observe National Hispanic Heritage Month from Sept. 15–Oct. 15 by celebrating...

Diversity is still trying to find its place in film

Diversity is still trying to find its place in film
Hollywood falls short of representing women and people of color well in media.
Noel Sassoon, Opinions Editor September 23, 2022

Many movie goers would agree that diversity and representation in film is a priority for major studios. In this year alone, films such as Disney’s Encanto and A24’s Everything, Everywhere, All at Once showed progress regarding cultural and female representation in mainstream media. While those strides...

SGA Rundown: Students discuss diversity efforts

SGA Rundown: Students discuss diversity efforts
Senators emphasize the importance of developing and strengthening inclusivity.
Phoebe Vrable, News Editor September 22, 2022

Opening the session this week at the Student Government Association, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator Isaiah Swasey defined what it means to be a Hispanic or Latino student. He addressed specific challenges they might face and listed resources available to them. Noting that Biola’s current population...

SGA Rundown: Senators deliberate student proposals

SGA Rundown: Senators deliberate student proposals
Senators discuss diversity and inclusion.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief September 15, 2022

This week, the Student Government Association considered how to represent a diverse student body well and deliberated three proposals.  SERVING DIVERSE STUDENTS Vice president of diversity and inclusion Liz Koh gave a presentation about the importance of senators representing a diverse student body...

SGA Election: Meet the presidential candidates

SGA Election: Meet the presidential candidates
The SGA presidential candidates share their platforms and vision for 2022-2023.
Caleb Jonker, News Editor February 11, 2022

The Student Government Association holds elections every year to appoint the president and vice president as well as senators for the following year. This year marks Biola’s first in-person election since 2020. In the presidential campaign, two teams will appear on the ballot—Richard Villarreal...

Meet the SMU presidential nominees

Biolans cast ballots for student representatives.
The Student Missionary Union candidates share their platforms and vision for 2022-2023.
Hannah Larson, Editor-in-Chief February 11, 2022

Biolans will have the chance to vote for the next Student Missionary Union president at the Bell Tower starting Monday, Feb. 14 at 10:30 a.m. after a special elections chapel. Polls close on Wednesday, Feb. 16 at 10:00 p.m. Two SMU presidential candidates shared the commitments and goals that make up...