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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Crime Log ― Dec. 17 – Jan. 23

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief January 27, 2018

PETTY THEFT ― GROVE MODULARS Reported Jan. 17, 10:33 p.m., occurred between 3:30 and 8 p.m. A student reported a camera as possibly stolen after leaving it in a Grove classroom. Officers made contact with the professor teaching the student’s class and discovered the professor had found the camera,...

Human beings matter more than drugs

Human beings matter more than drugs
Transferring illegal drugs wrongly bears stricter punishments than transferring humans.
Samantha Gassaway January 23, 2018

According to federal law, the purchase, selling or transferring of drugs off the legal market results in two to five years in prison at the minimum. Some convicts face 35-to-life depending on the severity of crime, length of time dealing, amount of substance and type of substance carried. THE VALUE...

Lower campus to improve barriers to deter criminals

Campus Safety and facilities management plan to build a wall bordering lower campus.
Departments partner with Campus Safety to provide additional security measures for vulnerable area.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief January 23, 2018

After observing a record number of individuals coming onto lower campus with criminal intent, Campus Safety and facilities management will construct a larger wall behind Hart Hall this summer. “FOR US, THIS IS PERSONAL” The isolated areas behind Hart Hall and along the adjacent creek have...

Crime Log ― Dec. 8 – Jan. 17

Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief January 18, 2018

VEHICLE THEFT ― RANCHO CAMPUS Reported Jan. 8, 1:47 p.m., occurred between Jan. 1, 2014 and Oct. 31, 2016 Campus Safety discovered a university-owned trailer had been stolen after receiving notice of a citation from another city. Campus Safety is continuing the investigation with the Los Angeles...

Crime Log ― Nov. 29 – Dec. 5

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief December 7, 2017

BURGLARY - VEHICLE ― LOT K Reported Nov. 29, 9:42 a.m., occurred between Nov. 28, 10 p.m. and Nov. 29, 9:42 a.m. A student reported signs of a burglary attempt on their vehicle, though they found nothing stolen. The student did not wish to file a report with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department,...

Crime Log ― Nov. 21 – Nov. 29

A picture of a Campus Safety car.
A whole lot of Petty Theft and Marijuana possession make up this week's crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 29, 2017

PETTY THEFT ― BLACKSTONE HALL Reported Nov. 21, 11:43 p.m., occurred between Nov. 20, 7 p.m. and Nov. 21, 9:45 a.m. A student reported items missing from their wallet after recovering it from the lost and found. The student did not wish to file a report with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department,...

Crime Log — Oct. 31 – Nov. 7

Crime Log — Oct. 31 - Nov. 7
Petty Theft and Disturbing the Peace make up this week's crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief November 8, 2017
Petty Theft and Disturbing the Peace make up this week's crime log.

Crime Log ― Oct. 17 – 25

Crime Log ― Oct. 17 - 25
Vandalism and Trespassing overwhelm this week's Crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 30, 2017
Vandalism and Trespassing overwhelm this week's Crime log.

Crime Log ― Oct. 10 – 17

Crime Log ― Oct. 10 - 17
Vandalism, disturbing the peace and couple cases of fire starting make up this week's crime log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 17, 2017
Vandalism, disturbing the peace and couple cases of fire starting make up this week's crime log.

Crime Log — Sept. 26 – Oct. 3

Crime Log — Sept. 26 – Oct. 3
A couple of Obscene/Threatening phone Calls, petty theft and trespassing makes up this week's crime log
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief October 5, 2017
A couple of Obscene/Threatening phone Calls, petty theft and trespassing makes up this week's crime log

Crime Log: Sept. 19 ― Sept. 26

Crime Log: Sept. 19 ― Sept. 26
Petty Theft and Hit and Run make up a large majority of this week's Crime Log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 28, 2017
Petty Theft and Hit and Run make up a large majority of this week's Crime Log.

Crime Log: Sept. 12 – 19

Crime Log: Sept. 12 - 19
A multitude of incidents make ups his week's Crime Log.
Christian Leonard, Editor-in-Chief September 21, 2017
A multitude of incidents make ups his week's Crime Log.