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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

“Why Beauty Matters” — an evening with poet Dana Gioia

Internationally acclaimed poet Dana Gioia visited Biola on Wednesday, November 13th to give a lecture on “Why Beauty Matters”.
California State Poet Laureate Dana Gioia speaks on how writers and Christians can reconcile their love for all things beautiful.
Kelly Van Duine, Staff Writer November 17, 2024

The heart of poet Dana Gioia’s work is being able to capture the beauty of God’s creation: “What beauty does is beauty draws us to the infinite number of perfections of creation. It calls forth things in ourselves. The same way it did to me as a kid not knowing this - it calls forth to us to achieve...

Creativity, censorship and the Art Department

Artists explore the complicated relationship between student creativity and university limitations.
Art students are frustrated that nude life drawings are not allowed.
Lauren Good, Staff Writer January 31, 2023

At a private Christian institution like Biola, there are certain restrictions on artistic freedom as the university recommends that creative projects align with Biola’s code of conduct. Students within the Department of Art are not allowed to draw fully nude models as a part of adhering to Biola’s...

Censorship in creative projects

Students and professors seek to find the compromise between artistic expression and community expectations in Biola's Cinema Media Arts department.
Should creativity be censored in a Christian university setting?
Lauren Good, Staff Writer January 12, 2023

At a private Christian institution like Biola University, there are expected restrictions on artistic freedom as the university recommends that creative projects align with Biola’s code of conduct. In the Cinema and Media Arts program at Biola, artistic censorship is a topic widely debated amongst...

Should Christians celebrate Halloween?

Halloween is a point of contention amongst some believers.
Believers hold conflicting perspectives on holiday festivities.
Lauren Good, Staff Writer October 24, 2022

Several countries in the world, including the United States, have many secular holidays that are universally celebrated. A particular secular holiday, Halloween, convicts many Christians because of its disturbing origin. Some Christians perceive the holiday as a fun excuse to dress up in costumes and...

Making disciples includes local and global missions

Making disciples includes local and global missions
Obeying the Great Commission requires prioritizing evangelism in the community and abroad.
Lauren Good, Staff Writer September 9, 2022

Christians agree that the decision between pursuing local and global mission opportunities relies upon the relationship between the person or church with God. However, there is dissension about which trajectory takes priority while considering what the Scripture says about spreading the gospel. God commands...

“Honk For Jesus. Save Your Soul” Review

Sterling K. Brown stars in the recently released satirical comedy "Honk for Jesus. Save Your Soul."
A surprisingly dark satire asks not what we should believe, but whom we should follow.
Brendan Peters, Staff Writer September 6, 2022

Very rarely do films touch on something that is real; instead, they often grasp at a caricature and hope an audience will latch on. The new film “Honk for Jesus” is, at first glance, a show that only scratches the surface of the complex relationship between scandal and religion but hidden beneath...

The Christian Kurds have been condemned to death

President Donal Trump commands some United States troops to remain In Northeast Syria To Protect Oil Fields.
In pulling out of the region, America has placed in mortal danger not just the Kurdish people, but especially the Kurdish Christians.
Marc DeJager, Staff Writer (Fall 2019) October 21, 2019

Acts 7:54-60 is one of the most powerful and chilling passages in the book of Acts. It describes the stoning of Stephen, and is the story of one of the first Christians to be martyred. Throughout history, the church has undergone countless instances of violence and persecution. This should not come as...

The Notre Dame tragedy points us toward eternity

The Notre Dame tragedy points us toward eternity
Beauty on earth gives us hope for what is to come.
Eric Nimmo, Freelance Writer April 16, 2019

Tragedies such as the destruction of the Notre Dame Cathedral due to a massive fire on Monday have an interesting way of momentarily silencing the debate over objective beauty. Instead, people all over the world feel a tragic and profound loss at the hundreds of years of beauty, art and history that...

Muslim club mourns New Zealand shooting

Muslim club mourns New Zealand shooting
The loss that came from the mass shooting proves to be a bigger obstacle for this group of students.
Thecla Li, Managing Editor March 22, 2019

On Friday, March 15, what was supposed to be a regular worship service turned into a horrifying 36 minutes of desperate calls to the police when a shooter took the lives of 50 individuals and injured 50 others at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand. The tragedy has seeped its way into Biola as students...

Christianity and socialism are totally incompatible

Christianity and socialism are totally incompatible
The gospel of Christ can have no part with the gospel of envy.
Brian Brooks, Freelance Writer March 2, 2019

(This story was originally published in print on Feb. 28, 2019). Luke tells us in Acts 4:32-35 that, in the early Church “all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.”...

Responding to Thousand Oaks’ tragedy, California fires and the problem of pain

Responding to Thousand Oaks’ tragedy, California fires and the problem of pain
The Christian response to recent episodes of gun violence and natural disaster should be one of active empathy.
Lily Journey, Freelance Writer November 13, 2018

The casualties from both Pennsylvania’s Tree of Life Synagogue massacre just two weeks ago and Wednesday night’s shooting spree at Thousand Oaks’ Borderline Bar & Grill has reached an astounding 23 deaths. Pittsburgh’s synagogue shooting was just the first shock wave, and news of California’s...

Christians have a duty to support Jewish causes

Christians have a duty to support Jewish causes
Evangelicals should not abandon the Jews or Israel when it matters most.
Brian Brooks, Freelance Writer October 30, 2018

On October 27, the horrifying killings at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania shocked the nation to its core. The massacre in which 11 Jewish worshippers were killed recall similar incidents within the last century that continue to haunt us. For one moment in our divided nation, every...