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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Argos fall in great fashion to Eagles

Samayoa’s goal in overtime lifts Biola men’s soccer to a 1-0 victory over the Argos.
Kyle Kohner, Copy Editor & Office Manager September 3, 2016
Samayoa’s goal in overtime lifts Biola men’s soccer to a 1-0 victory over the Argos.

A duo of defeats

Biola volleyball falls to both the Hastings Broncos and the Grand View Vikings on day one of tournament play.
Dale Fredriks, Writer September 3, 2016
Biola volleyball falls to both the Hastings Broncos and the Grand View Vikings on day one of tournament play.

Volleyball fends off the Raiders

Biola volleyball defeats Southern Oregon in four sets in an exciting preseason showdown.
Dale Fredriks, Writer August 26, 2016
Biola volleyball defeats Southern Oregon in four sets in an exciting preseason showdown.

Biola film rolls a Bible story

Courtesy of Abigail Limuria
A student-run Biola short film tells the story of Cain and Abel with a twist.
Rebecca Mitchell, Writer May 17, 2016
A student-run Biola short film tells the story of Cain and Abel with a twist.

Chris Rasmussen’s “Friction” is ambient and vulnerable

Hayley Langdon/The Chimes
Senior Biola student released his year-long project on Friday, May 13.
Hayley Langdon, Writer May 17, 2016
Senior Biola student released his year-long project on Friday, May 13.

Apathy towards injustice is unjust

Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Biolans must stop denying the issue of racism at hand and help one another grow as a community.
Tim Seeberger, Writer April 26, 2016
Biolans must stop denying the issue of racism at hand and help one another grow as a community.

Wage raise will affect future student workers

Infographic by Tony Flores/THE CHIMES
Nearly all student workers impacted as minimum wage increases to $15 by 2022.
Melissa Hedrick, Writer April 13, 2016
Nearly all student workers impacted as minimum wage increases to $15 by 2022.

Shed light, shed shame
Shed the Shame encouraged women to discuss shame, but the time has come for the student body to act.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer April 5, 2016
Shed the Shame encouraged women to discuss shame, but the time has come for the student body to act.

Student government does not need iPads

They may make voting more efficient, but SGA should focus on Biolans’ other needs.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer March 22, 2016
They may make voting more efficient, but SGA should focus on Biolans’ other needs.

Renovations call for student input

Infographic by Sean Leone/THE CHIMES
Students do not know where their tuition money goes and they do not like it.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer March 15, 2016
Students do not know where their tuition money goes and they do not like it.

Doctor’s note requirements place grades over health
Biola’s attendance policy forces students to sacrifice their health to get good grades.
Morgan Mitchell, Writer March 15, 2016
Biola’s attendance policy forces students to sacrifice their health to get good grades.

Missions needs encouragement

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
In a world full of cynics, do not underestimate the power of an encouraging word to bolster ministry.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer March 8, 2016
In a world full of cynics, do not underestimate the power of an encouraging word to bolster ministry.