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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Staff Editorial: casual dating a viable option for Christians

Ashleigh Fox/THE CHIMES
Casual dating needs to be redefined in order to create a better environment for men and women to be more intentional with each other.
Chimes Staff, Writer February 13, 2013
Casual dating needs to be redefined in order to create a better environment for men and women to be more intentional with each other.

Words from the Wise: the Biola Bubble a positive force
Professor Jason Oakes argues that the Biola Bubble acts as an incubator for students.
Jason Oakes, Writer February 13, 2013
Professor Jason Oakes argues that the Biola Bubble acts as an incubator for students.

Do females overanalyze their texts?

Emily Arnold/THE CHIMES
Keri Lusk discusses her opinion on females' obsession with the male response to text messages.
Keri Lusk, Writer February 12, 2013
Keri Lusk discusses her opinion on females' obsession with the male response to text messages.

The dangers of a texting relationship

Emily Arnold/THE CHIMES
Austin May argues that texting is not the best method of communication when it comes to building relationships.
Austin May, Writer February 12, 2013
Austin May argues that texting is not the best method of communication when it comes to building relationships.

Solo on Valentine’s Day: Why people fall through the cracks

Grant Walter/THE CHIMES
Jason Brown discusses how Biola culture can be alienating during Valentine's Day.
Jason Brown, Writer February 12, 2013
Jason Brown discusses how Biola culture can be alienating during Valentine's Day.

Corey’s Corner: an unlikely mentor

| Photo courtesy of University Communications and Marketing
Dr. Barry Corey discusses the significance of the role of the janitors within the Biola community.
President Barry Corey, Writer February 6, 2013
Dr. Barry Corey discusses the significance of the role of the janitors within the Biola community.

Opposing Viewpints: gun control laws not the solution to violence

Olivia Blinn/THE CHIMES
Jeff Koch expels false ideas that gun control laws will not actually mitigate violence.
Jeff Koch, Writer February 6, 2013
Jeff Koch expels false ideas that gun control laws will not actually mitigate violence.

Opposing Viewpoints: strict gun control reform must happen

John Buchanan/THE CHIMES
Shaefer Bagwell makes the case that new gun control regulations do not actually violate our Constitutional right to bear arms.
Shaefer Bagwell, Writer February 6, 2013
Shaefer Bagwell makes the case that new gun control regulations do not actually violate our Constitutional right to bear arms.

Staff Editorial: Web filtering is a necessary annoyance
The Chimes staff argues that the administration's web-filtering policy serves for the edification of the student body.
Chimes Staff, Writer February 6, 2013
The Chimes staff argues that the administration's web-filtering policy serves for the edification of the student body.

Military-grade guns are inconsistent with Christian values

Austin Rogers argues that there is no redeeming reason for Christians to own military-grade firearms.
Austin Rogers, Writer February 5, 2013
Austin Rogers argues that there is no redeeming reason for Christians to own military-grade firearms.

Gun control laws alone won’t solve problem of mass shootings

Courtesy | Brett Weinstein [Creative Commons]
Elizabeth Sallie discusses how gun control is an inappropriate topic to discuss in the face of grief and tragedy.
Elizabeth Sallie, Writer February 5, 2013
Elizabeth Sallie discusses how gun control is an inappropriate topic to discuss in the face of grief and tragedy.

Words from the Wise: UnWRAP your presents

Ashleigh Fox/THE CHIMES
Biblical Studies professor Thaddeus Williams writes about biblical images of Christ and how they relate to Christmas.
Thaddeus Williams, Writer December 16, 2012
Biblical Studies professor Thaddeus Williams writes about biblical images of Christ and how they relate to Christmas.