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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The importance of hermeneutics

The importance of hermeneutics
Good interpretation is vital to reading the Bible.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer March 23, 2022

Hermeneutics comes from the Greek word hermeneuō which means to translate or interpret. From a biblical perspective, this is the interpretation of the Bible. Some may rely upon church leaders to interpret the Bible for them as it seems like they might know best. However, it is crucial for Christians...

Reporters from Ukraine exhibit true journalism

Reporters from Ukraine exhibit true journalism
The Associated Press’ correspondents reveal how fleeting the free press really is.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor March 21, 2022

Two journalists from The Associated Press published an astonishing piece telling the story of their escape from Mariupol, Ukraine. While reporting there, they passed many Russian checkpoints, captured images of burning buildings and bodies and disguised themselves as surgeons to avoid the Russians who...

The Caf is changing for the better

The cafeteria is working to improve the dining experience after students raise concerns.
Alexis Marion, Staff Writer March 14, 2022

Bon Appetit is Biola's main provider for cafeteria food on campus. On January 27th and 28th, the Caf recently held food forums to hear students’ concerns and thoughts about what can be improved—in pursuit of bettering their menu items and quality of food. This is a personal issue for students living...

What to do when your friends leave the faith

What to do when your friends leave the faith
The challenge of someone you love leaving Christianity.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor March 11, 2022

Friendships are everything. The people you love influence you and challenge you. Some of the deepest friendships come from the people with shared faith—the bond of shared morals and a love for Christ deepens any friendship and relationship.  There is something heartbreaking about a friend who leaves...

The science behind creation

The science behind creation
The complexity of life suggests there must be intelligence behind it.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer March 9, 2022

God is the orchestrator of creation. Everything from the dirt on the ground to the birds in the sky, God made it all with a purpose. Scripture reflects this in Colossians 1:16 ,“For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers...

Biola’s mask mandate reversal brings sigh of relief

Biola’s mask mandate reversal brings sigh of relief
After nearly two years, things begin to return to normal.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor March 7, 2022

It has been almost two years since the world shut down as a result of COVID-19. Biola students, as well as students around the world, faced dramatic changes as they returned after spring break for a seemingly normal few days before being sent back home to avoid getting sick. The continual adaptation...

Voices from Talbot’s Kyiv campus

Voices from Talbot’s Kyiv campus
The Ukraine campus shares its story of invasion, war and God’s faithfulness.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor February 25, 2022

After the fall of the Soviet Union, three men identified a need for more seminaries in Ukraine to minister to the nation as well as the rest of Eastern Europe. Working alongside Biola University, they began a program with Talbot Seminary: a Master of Arts degree in Biblical and Theological Studies/Diversified...

Subjective ethics are not biblical

Subjective ethics are not biblical
Ethical decisions should not be based on feelings.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer February 23, 2022

Britannica describes morality and ethics as distinguishing right and wrong. While morality remains personal, the standards for ethics are socially agreed upon. Imanuel Kant, Aristotle and Plato are among the world’s most famous philosophers who pondered on ethics and what they mean for humans. Ethics...

Black History Month is worth celebrating

Black History Month is worth celebrating
February is dedicated to celebration and reconciliation.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor February 21, 2022

Each February, the United States celebrates Black History Month. The month honors Black Americans—their history and their achievements. The month also allows a dedicated time to reflect on years of hardship, trial and injustice. It is a time to contemplate how far the country has come and identify...

The mask hypocrisy continues

The mask hypocrisy continues
People with authority and influence continue to hold double standards on COVID-19 restrictions—two years later.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor February 18, 2022

It is easy to make the rules—but it is difficult to follow them. When Super Bowl LVI was hosted in the freshly minted SoFi Stadium in Inglewood, California last weekend, the stadium announced it was going to hand out KN95 masks to all attendees—fans would be required to wear the masks throughout...

Church is a place to learn

Church is a place to learn
Teaching should always be part of the church.
Kei-Lynn Wheaton, Staff Writer February 16, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic changed the way society functions. For over a year, people retreated into their homes, overcome by fear. This was not limited to places of business and schools but churches as well. The retreat to the home brings up the interesting subject about what it means to learn in the church.  The...

Valentine’s Day still applies to single people

Valentine’s Day still applies to single people
A day of love—without a lover.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor February 14, 2022

Between red roses, pink boxes and dark chocolate, the month of February is dedicated to the holiday of love. There are a few legends of who Valentine’s Day might be named after, but the most common story is of Saint Valentine. In order to strengthen his army, Emperor Claudius II declared marriage illegal...