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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Conference builds confidence

Photo courtesy of Kristen Smith
Academic or career-based conferences play an important role in motivating people from all walks of life.
Kristen M. Smith, Writer March 1, 2016
Academic or career-based conferences play an important role in motivating people from all walks of life.

How Chris rocked the Oscars boat
Chris Rock’s 10 minute monologue addressed structural racism in the best way possible.
Tim Seeberger, Writer March 1, 2016
Chris Rock’s 10 minute monologue addressed structural racism in the best way possible.

Streaming services pause fair pay

Streaming services pause fair pay
Companies like Spotify exploit artist creativity with unequal pay.
Tim Seeberger, Writer March 1, 2016
Companies like Spotify exploit artist creativity with unequal pay.

Protect foreign language classes

Johnathan Burkhardt/THE CHIMES
The cost of getting rid of small foreign language classes outweighs the cost of keeping them.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer February 23, 2016
The cost of getting rid of small foreign language classes outweighs the cost of keeping them.

Heal racial trauma with reconciliation
Structural racism requires the dismantling of oppressive power systems.
Justin Yun, Writer February 23, 2016
Structural racism requires the dismantling of oppressive power systems.

U.S. immigration policies kill thousands

Photo courtesy of the Department of Defence
Border militarization forces undocumented immigrants to trek across dangerous terrain.
Justin Yun, Writer February 23, 2016
Border militarization forces undocumented immigrants to trek across dangerous terrain.

To be or not to be politically correct
Defend the free market of ideas.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer February 23, 2016
Defend the free market of ideas.

Step down from your social media platform

Illustration by Trevor Lunde/THE CHIMES
Take caution when using social media as a PSA soapbox for personal or political opinions.
Melanie Kim, Writer February 23, 2016
Take caution when using social media as a PSA soapbox for personal or political opinions.

West and east coasts chat differently

Photo courtesy of Tim Seeberger
The differences between New York and California conversations can leave new arrivals in the state feeling out of place.
Tim Seeberger, Writer February 22, 2016
The differences between New York and California conversations can leave new arrivals in the state feeling out of place.

Evangelicals must not fear politics

Katie Evensen/THE CHIMES
Despite the common idea that the government should not legislate morality, Christians have a duty to political engagement.
Lewis Waha, Writer February 17, 2016
Despite the common idea that the government should not legislate morality, Christians have a duty to political engagement.

The party’s over
The Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary indicate the gap between the political parties and their voters.
Jacqueline Lewis, Writer February 16, 2016
The Iowa Caucus and New Hampshire primary indicate the gap between the political parties and their voters.

Families lose homes for home runs
The 1950s construction of the Dodger’s stadium shows the problems caused by gentrification.
Justin Yun, Writer February 16, 2016
The 1950s construction of the Dodger’s stadium shows the problems caused by gentrification.