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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Social media trivializes our lives

Photo Illustration by Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
Facebook harms individual self-image and requires users to maintain a facade of happiness.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Facebook harms individual self-image and requires users to maintain a facade of happiness.

Local politics directly affects communities
Voting in local elections can have a significant impact on your city.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Voting in local elections can have a significant impact on your city.

Biolans are disillusioned by presidential election

Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.
Justin Yun, Writer October 26, 2016
Students should be involved in politics now more than ever.

Pray and care for the environment

Students can display concern for the Earth in everyday settings.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 26, 2016
Students can display concern for the Earth in everyday settings.

Fashion is not gender exclusive

Males should not fear the social stigma of this art.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 25, 2016
Males should not fear the social stigma of this art.

Students should organize against war and empire
Christians have a moral obligation to challenge war profiteers and militarists.
Justin Yun, Writer October 19, 2016
Christians have a moral obligation to challenge war profiteers and militarists.

Trump cannot deny new groping scandals
Distrust of the evidence cannot discredit sexual assault claims.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 18, 2016
Distrust of the evidence cannot discredit sexual assault claims.

Candidates lack urgency toward climate change
Trump and Clinton need to succinctly address their environmental policies.
Tim Seeberger, Writer October 18, 2016
Trump and Clinton need to succinctly address their environmental policies.

Unsure voters should vote third party

Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
Students can vote for candidates besides Trump and Clinton.
Elijah Cohen, Writer October 18, 2016
Students can vote for candidates besides Trump and Clinton.

Student debt hampers global missions
Pursuing mission work overseas is a difficult task.
Lucas Weaver, Writer October 12, 2016
Pursuing mission work overseas is a difficult task.

Art transcends tragedy and pain

Justin Yun/ THE CHIMES
Artists can remind us of hope and the terrible beauty of life.
Justin Yun, Writer October 12, 2016
Artists can remind us of hope and the terrible beauty of life.

College students need memes and news

Photo Illustration by Eliana Park/ THE CHIMES
Political memes and visualized content has altered the way millennials interact with social media.
Justin Yun, Writer October 12, 2016
Political memes and visualized content has altered the way millennials interact with social media.