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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

A 24K eyesore: Calvary Chapel’s redesign failure

A 24K eyesore: Calvary Chapel’s redesign failure
Why a Christian approach to beauty and architecture matters.
Koh Yamamoto, Freelance Writer October 17, 2018

Calvary Chapel has been redesigned. Hailed as an “artistic renovation,” the $1.9 million construction effort, including a 24K gold wall, is a modernization from its previously spartan and iconoclastic design, but with it comes issues of its message. The redesign matters because architectural design...

Learn valuable life lessons before exiting Biola

Learn valuable life lessons before exiting Biola
Instead of hoping for great opportunities, students should seek persistence, ingenuity and life experiences.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 17, 2018

Graduation is one semester away, and for many plans for what comes next are already beginning to hatch. Graduate students are looking for Ph.D. opportunities and funding. Undergraduate students are looking for jobs, graduate schools and funding. Even doctoral students are looking for opportunities, such...

You cannot make a movie by yourself

Actress Emma Watson explains equality and community in the film industry. Courtesy
Although the film industry is highly competitive by nature, students in film should constantly be building each other up.
Rachel Gaugler, Freelance Writer October 15, 2018

After speaking to various people in Biola’s Cinema and Media Arts department, it has come to my attention the great gender gap that plagues each classroom. Considering Biola has a large percentage of females as opposed to males, it is an oddity that the film program is dominated by the Y chromosome....

Azusa reaffirms biblical standard for student couples

people walking past a sign that says azusa pacific
Azusa and Biola have competitive differences but the same deep calling.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 13, 2018

Biola’s volleyball victory over Azusa Pacific University during the Oct. 3 Cornerstone Cup rivalry game was an immense cause for celebration. However, two days prior to the game, there was a cause for celebration that seemed to glide under the radar. Amid a report from Zu Media, Azusa Pacific’s...

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation

Life after Kavanaugh’s confirmation
Political unity will only be brought about by firm victory—a victory by a new Abraham Lincoln.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 10, 2018
What should have marked the final push to depoliticize the Supreme Court has ended by returning the prodigal match to our political arsonists. President Trump, during the Kavanaugh hearing, mocked Dr. Ford’s testimony by mimicking her during his rally. Hillary Clinton recently called for the end of political civility until the Democratic Party has regained power in congress. Sen. Corey Booker argued whoever supports Kavanaugh is “complicit in evil.” What should have ended political polarization has marked the beginning of a political cold war. A decisive victory must be won. But how? By whom?

Columbus Day presents an opportunity to evaluate how we celebrate

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Recognizing Columbus’ atrocities does not mean ignoring the darkness in all cultures’ history.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 8, 2018

Many Biola faculty and graduate students grew up remembering Columbus Day as a mysterious holiday. For whatever reason, we all found ourselves yanking on the front door of the post office or the bank, wondering why at 4:45 p.m. they appear to have been closed for a long while. Then we remember it is...

To pursue or not to pursue happiness

To pursue or not to pursue happiness
Happiness is not an object to be pursue, but the expression of the things we enjoy.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 8, 2018

This story was originally published in print on Oct. 4, 2018. Happiness cannot be found by looking for it. You must look for something else, anything else. Just as Alice in her Adventure in Wonderland discovered, the quicker she ran toward the Red Queen, the more distant she became. It was not until...

Political discourse is ruled by both facts and feelings

Political discourse is ruled by both facts and feelings
Political friction begins by reducing the other side through labels, but maybe political soothing can begin by respecting the other side through labels.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor October 6, 2018

“Facts do not care about your feelings,” has become a tried and true method of conservative politics. You give me the facts and I will give you my opinion. Of course, the implication is that the other side believes something like, “Feelings do not care about your facts.” No one would confess...

It’s time we believe what she said

Kavanaugh and Ford side by side
God’s word says to care for vulnerable women among us.
Brad Alkire, Freelance Writer October 1, 2018

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past three weeks, you have probably heard about the current scandal surrounding the confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. For those under-rock dwellers who have managed to avoid the news, here is a link that summarizes the dramatic events...

Five Writing Tips from Bradbury, King, Lewis, White and Hemingway

Five Writing Tips from Bradbury, King,  Lewis, White and Hemingway
If you want to be the best, you must learn from the best.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor September 29, 2018

In Dr. Clay Jones’ writing class for Talbot, he suggests that one of the best ways to improve your writing is to read your favorite writers and learn from their craft. Here are writing tips from the most widely read authors. 1. Ray Bradbury on Practice Bradbury, the acclaimed author of Fahrenheit...

Tocqueville’s Demise of America

Tocqueville’s Demise of America
What we expect from our government may come back to rob us of our humanity.
Logan Zeppieri, Opinions Editor September 28, 2018

In 1889, Alexis de Tocqueville, a French diplomat and political scientist, penned “Democracy in America”—not only the greatest book on America, but also the greatest book on democracy. A portion of the closing chapters are devoted to imagining the nature of a usurpatious democracy. Tocqueville...

It’s not that simple

It’s not that simple
Labels are for canned goods, not your neighbor’s worldview.
Allen Lathrop September 28, 2018

Bigot. Communist. Homophobe. Tree-hugger. Fascist. Intolerant. Socialist. Racist. We like labels. They are easy, convenient and tidy. They wrap up the complexities of diverging viewpoints and package them in a nice, neat little box that we can categorize and dismiss. They are simple, and we love...