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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Gabby Petito case is a woman’s greatest fear

The Gabby Petito case is a woman’s greatest fear
The amount of missing people nearly equals the number of COVID-19 related deaths.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor October 4, 2021

Plastered all over the news for weeks, the face of Gabby Petito was engraved in the hearts and minds of those who heard her story. After police responded to a domestic dispute between Petito and her boyfriend, the media focused on following the young woman’s missing person case. Since her body was...

A psychologist’s advice to college students

A psychologist’s advice to college students
Biola Counseling Center Director Melanie Taylor shares ways students can care for their mental health.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor October 1, 2021

One of the biggest issues surrounding young people is the issue of mental health. College students often suffer from depression, anxiety and loneliness. On Feb. 17, Boston University reported that these difficulties are only increasing, as 83% of college students in the nation have either depression...

Mental illnesses are not spiritual weaknesses

Mental illnesses are not spiritual weaknesses
The church must change its impact on the stigmatization of mental illness.
Lauren Vander Tuig, Staff Writer September 29, 2021

Unfortunately, the church is not a leading force when it comes to destigmatizing mental illness. According to Executive Director of the Wheaton College Billy Graham Center Ed Stetzer, 49% of pastors rarely speak about mental illness in sermons. This has an effect not only on the congregation as a whole,...

The Bible teaches that racial differences are not cause for division

The Bible teaches that racial differences are not cause for division
Racial injustices push Christians to analyze a biblical perspective on diversity.
Caleb Britt, Staff Writer September 27, 2021

Shortly after the coronavirus shutdown on campus, students were exposed to the nationwide racial divide that broke out in the United States regarding the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and others. Riots sparked throughout the nation, which resulted in even more casualties, such as the Capitol...

Students are willing to make sacrifices to stay on campus

Biola is experiencing declining enrollment as well as faculty and staff cuts.
An interview with students revealed their insights on new COVID-19 guidelines.
Caleb Britt, Staff Writer September 24, 2021

Going into the fifth week of classes, Biolans still enjoy the feeling of in-person classes, chapels and life in general. Events take place around campus and clubs meet throughout the week, providing opportunities for students to engage with their community and make memories together. An investigation...

Biola’s political bubble makes for minimal political discussion

Biola’s political bubble makes for minimal political discussion
An openness to political diversity is a sure way to pop the bubble.
Lauren Vander Tuig, Staff Writer September 22, 2021

Biola University values diversity. However, political beliefs are often neglected in the university’s statement. At a private Christian university, it is assumed that most of the population leans conservatively. When it comes to politics, 51% of Republicans have spiritual convictions that qualify them...

Christians must overcome vaccination division

Christians must overcome vaccination division
It is crucial to keep an eternal perspective.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 20, 2021

During the pandemic, the world experienced a type of unity during difficult and unusual circumstances. The cornerstone of the United States is its namesake—the unification of people from all walks of life. However, over the past few months, people have begun to see divisions rise because of the social...

In the busyness of the semester, make time to rest

In the busyness of the semester, make time to rest
Here are five ways to set aside time for a sabbath rest.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 17, 2021

The semester is off to a running start and students are back in action. Classes are in full swing and homework loads are beginning to grow. Because the busyness of the semester can quickly overwhelm students, it is vital to find rest and relaxation in the midst of it all.  After an exhausting year...

Letters to the Editor: Texas Abortion Law

Letters to the Editor: Texas Abortion Law
Two student perspectives on the Texas abortion law.
September 15, 2021

Hello,  The evangelical community’s rhetoric around abortion is so often manipulative and reliant on shaming vulnerable populations of women who are making perhaps the most difficult decision they have ever made. Before you write this off entirely, let me be clear in saying that I believe that...

Texas’ abortion restrictions protect the right of life for unborn babies

Texas’ abortion restrictions protect the right of life for unborn babies
The Heartbeat Act ensures that a child with a heartbeat will be allowed to take their first breath.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 13, 2021

Imagine the sound of a small heartbeat in the hospital’s empty hallways. Imagine the future of the unborn child—there are endless possibilities. They will grow up to have passions, pursue careers, form relationships and become their own person. They might struggle in life, as everyone does, but they...

An environmental perspective on recent wildfires

An environmental perspective on recent wildfires
Professor of environmental science highlights ways to protect God’s creation.
Hannah Dilanchyan, Opinions Editor September 10, 2021

Growing up with a vast love of nature and respect for God’s creation formed Biola environmental science professor Brendon Anthony into who he is today. As a Southern California native, Anthony became passionate about the ocean at a young age. Determined to pursue a career in marine biology, Anthony...

Cancel culture is counterintuitive of our mission as Christians

Cancel culture is counterintuitive of our mission as Christians
Biolans can exemplify God's grace in an unforgiving world.
Lauren Vander Tuig, Staff Writer September 8, 2021

In today’s culture, the world is exposed to a critical and judgmental way of thinking. “Cancel culture” is widespread and affects everyone. With the helpful watch of social media, people monitor and record every move. Anyone with access to the internet freely comments and criticizes others.  As...