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The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Opposing Viewpoints: militarism contradicts turning the other cheek

Austin Rogers argues that Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus and be peacemakers.
February 28, 2012
Austin Rogers argues that Christians are called to follow the example of Jesus and be peacemakers.

African-American enrollment encouraging indication of improved diversity

Arthur Daniels Jr. shares his thoughts about diversity and African-American enrollment increases at Biola.
Arthur Daniels Jr., Writer February 23, 2012
Arthur Daniels Jr. shares his thoughts about diversity and African-American enrollment increases at Biola.

Staff Editorial: SCORR conference deserves more student attention

Even in light of SCORR conference's 16-year history, students still display lack of involvement.
February 23, 2012
Even in light of SCORR conference's 16-year history, students still display lack of involvement.

Religious belief invalid grounds for Proposition 8 opposition

Albert Cheng argues religious opposition of Proposition 8 violates church and state separation.
Albert Cheng, Writer February 21, 2012
Albert Cheng argues religious opposition of Proposition 8 violates church and state separation.

Black History Month creates healthy tension

Cameron Gardiner examines the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. to argue Black History Month should remind Americans to love and seek to correct injustice.
Cameron Gardiner, Writer February 21, 2012
Cameron Gardiner examines the life of Martin Luther King, Jr. to argue Black History Month should remind Americans to love and seek to correct injustice.

Breaking free of distracted worship

Worship has become more of a half-hearted habit than an expression of love to God.
Chase Andre and Chase Andre February 17, 2012
Worship has become more of a half-hearted habit than an expression of love to God.

Planned Parenthood’s breast cancer research poses dilemma to donators

John Reid's stance against Susan G. Komen for the Cure's funding of Planned Parenthood's breast cancer research.
John Reid, Writer February 16, 2012
John Reid's stance against Susan G. Komen for the Cure's funding of Planned Parenthood's breast cancer research.

Staff Editorial: Center for Christian Thought impacts secular world

Even though it's not required for students to attend, Center for Christian Thought provides intellectual growth.
February 16, 2012
Even though it's not required for students to attend, Center for Christian Thought provides intellectual growth.

A love letter to the lonely

Kourtney Jackson emphasizes the value of being single.
February 14, 2012
Kourtney Jackson emphasizes the value of being single.

Corey’s Corner: Center for Christian Thought matters to students

The new Center for Christian Thought encourages applying biblical thinking to larger world issues.
President Barry Corey, Writer February 14, 2012
The new Center for Christian Thought encourages applying biblical thinking to larger world issues.

Why Spotify won’t save the music industry

Chase Andre suggests direct interaction with fans is the most viable way to sustain the music industry.
Chase Andre, Writer February 3, 2012
Chase Andre suggests direct interaction with fans is the most viable way to sustain the music industry.

Opposing abortion with the love of Christ

In light of the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Shaefer Bagwell discusses how Christians should fight abortion.
Shaefer Bagwell, Writer January 31, 2012
In light of the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Shaefer Bagwell discusses how Christians should fight abortion.