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The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

The Student News Site of Biola University

The Chimes

Oops…We Forgot the Veterans!

November 16, 2007

Article by: Biola College Republicans Club On Monday, Nov. 12, it was difficult for us to forget the significance of the day. We received multiple reminders that — for the only time this school year — the campus was gearing up for a week of music at chapel. It was an event that was hard to ignore. We...

Xopoc starts a dance, dance revolution

Biola's dance troupe, Xopoc, takes to the gym floor for their Midnight Madness performance.
November 15, 2007

Dance. The word has become a kind of taboo here at Biola. But Xopoc is changing all that. The team that junior Marshall Bang began last semester for Mock Rock is currently made up of over 30 Biola students who are passionate about dancing. “The thing that sets us apart from other dance teams...

Study abroad programs’ popularity on the rise

Morgan Lindstrom, Melissa Hartwig and Charissa Walton sample gelato while traveling across Europe. The trio is studying abroad at Roehampton University in London this semester.
November 15, 2007

During his inauguration weekend, President Barry Corey made it clear that one of his goals is getting more students involved in meaningful, cross-cultural experiences. Many Biola students -- and students across the nation -- seem to be taking that to heart. In the past few years the number of U.S....

Fresh and Easy aims to simplify healthy eating

Self checkout is one of the unique features at Fresh and Easy, a new grocery chain that's rethinking food shopping .
November 15, 2007

Some readers might be lucky enough to have their parents fronting the bill for a 20-per-week meal plan, but as for the rest of Biolans- those populating off-campus nooks and crannies- they are forced to find and prepare their own food. Though boys never seem to tire of Carl's Jr. and Taco Bell, most...

Behind-the-scenes work produces well-attended Midnight Madness

Students decorated the gym with red and black paraphernalia in preparation for the crowds that came in at 10:30.
November 15, 2007

Loud music played, students filed in through balloon waterfalls, and the basketball teams warmed up Sunday night at Midnight Madness as the gym doors opened. Students arrived early to be one of the first 500 people to receive a prize –- a drawstring backpack -- and by 10:30, the gym was full and...

Earthquake simulation uncovers cracks in Biola’s disaster response systems

Many students received a text message to test the effectiveness of the 3N System that Campus Safety implemented this year.
November 15, 2007

Biola administrators responded to a mock 8.2 earthquake last Friday, giving Campus Safety a chance to rehearse its new campus-wide notification system and test the university's disaster response. The simulation, which was part of an annual city-wide effort to evaluate La Mirada's disaster response...

La Mirada takes plunge at opening of Splash! aquatics complex

The aquatic park across the street from Biola’s campus offers various water slides and pools.
November 15, 2007

In any other community, diving into a pool in mid-November would be absurd. But for the thousands of La Mirada residents who crowded around waterslides and an Olympic-sized pool for Saturday’s Splash! grand opening bash, getting soaked was the thing to do. Among those with sopping hair were City...

Biola woos prospective students with University Day

Nicole Riha (middle), 17, is one of many prospective students who attended Biola’s University Day with family members. Aimee Tangeman (below) prepares to give a tour.
November 15, 2007

The usual crowds on campus swelled this Sunday and Monday during University Day, in which high school students interested in attending Biola were invited here to experience college life. The event cost $25 per student and $20 for each parent who attended. Prospective students ate in the cafeteria,...

AS Senate: “Cheesy” party, ping pong proposed

The A.S. Senate held its weekly meeting this Tuesday.
November 14, 2007

At the AS Senate's weekly Tuesday meetings, senators give audience to parties requesting money, vote on pending proposals and discuss finances. Here is an outlined summary of the most recent senate meeting, which was held November 13. NEW PROPOSALS 1. Honorable Biola Cheese Society event—$500 i....

Language Courses See Gains on Campus

Arabic rises in popularity
November 13, 2007

Foreign language courses are booming on American college campuses, a new study finds, with enrollment in Arabic more than doubling from 2002 to 2006. The latest figures from the Modern Language Association of America, released Tuesday, reflect a major push toward internationalization on college campuses,...

Survey: College president salaries rise

November 13, 2007

College presidents are getting healthy raises, and a dozen at private universities earn $1 million or more including benefits, according to a new survey published Monday. Salaries at public universities remain a tier lower but also are on the rise, with eight presidents earning $700,000 or more last...

Veteran’s Day close to home for Biolans in the military

U.S. Navy sailor Clifford Mann Jr. salutes as the colors are retired during a Veterans Day commemoration at Arlington National Cemetery, Sunday.
November 12, 2007

“The people I'm talking about live right here, they are part of your community, probably part of your family. I'm talking about tens of millions of people who gave their sweat and blood, and sometimes their lives to serve our country. I'm talking about veterans,” said Jennifer Love Hewitt in a video...